8 adjectives to describe sconces

Vnder these colours they sought to take the towne and to fortifie the same, and they built certaine sconces in the countrey, committing great outrages, rauishing the Women, with many other villanies.

As the night was warm, every window was thrown open; chandeliersscintillating like jeweled fountainshung from the ceilings; wax-lights innumerable, in gilded sconces, were grouped upon the walls; crimson-silk curtains cast a ruddy glare across the street, and the sound of harps and violins floated through the night air.

The Chapel of the Holy Countenance (midway up the nave), inclosed by a gilded net-work, is a dazzling mountain of light flung from a thousand golden sconces.

I fumbled round the glass, which was large, with handsome brass sconces, to find the blind cord.

I stood before the mirror with its lighted sconces, gazing grimly at my sober face while Cato tied my queue-ribbon and dusted my silken coat-skirts.

The prevailing note was neatness; the biologist's microscope stood on a neat bench surrounded by enamel dishes, vessels, and books neatly arranged; behind him, when seated, rose two neat bunks with neat, closely curtained drawers for clothing and neat reflecting sconces for candles; overhead was a neat arrangement for drying socks with several nets, neatly bestowed.

With its vagaries long perplext, I turned and turned my restless sconce, Till one bright night, I thought at once I'd master it; so hear my text!

"Or," said Beltane, "the fool shall charm thy souls to kindliness with his pipe" "Ho, Roger!" cried the second forester, "split me this tall talker's yellow sconce, now!" "Come," growled Roger, threatening of mien, "yield us the fool, 'tis an arrant knave hath angered his lord!"

8 adjectives to describe  sconces