33 adjectives to describe script

The golden scripts.

Thus, the few recently found manuscripts from pre-Ch'in times still contain a high percentage of Chinese characters which we cannot read because they were local characters; but all words in texts after the Ch'in time can be read because they belong to the standardized script.

NM: completely rev. script.

To her last note she had added a post-script, "I am sure you will like Mr. Kinney, father.

" Halloway looked silently at the upright, angular, large script.

she asked, peering again at the ridiculous little script.

Tacked upon the door of the little cafe where we ate our meals was a card setting forth, with painful German particularity, the tariff which might properly be charged for food and for lodging and drink and what not; and it was done in German-Gothic script, all very angular and precise; and it was signed by His Excellency, the German commandant; and its prices were predicated on German logic and the estimated depth of a German wallet.

Next consider a group of words that have been naturalized: scribe, prescribe, ascribe, proscribe, transcribe, circumscribe, subscriber, indescribable, scribble, script, scripture, postscript, conscript, rescript, manuscript, nondescript, inscription, superscription, description.

Although the Shang script was the precursor of later Chinese script, it seemed to have contained many words which later disappeared, and we are not sure whether Shang language was the same as the language of Chou time.

It is clear that these words are each other's kith and kin in blood, and that the strain or stock common to all is scribe or (as sometimes modified) script.

The bright little plate on her door exhibited only "Pillbody," in neat script, and no hint of the existence of a school within.

With the advent of Liberation and after the official status was granted to Konknni with Devnagri as its official script, the younger generation is now coming in increasing touch with the Devanagiri script.

" Bud filled a sheet with his large, outdoor script.

Then several German connoisseurs follow in their peculiar script, with comments worded heavily with hard-mouthed consonants.

On the main question of phonetic spelling the Society would urge its members to distinguish the use of phonetic script in teaching, from its introduction into English literature.

Letters also were on the bars, cut in plain deep script.

The Jewish converts, having the psalms committed to memory needed not, nor could they have in those bookless days, a psalter script.

But I could trust Andreas to dare and to endureto overcome obstacles, and, if man could, to "get there," where, in the base-quarters in Bucharest, the amanuenses were waiting to copy out in round hand for the foreign telegraphist the rapid script of the correspondent scribbling for life in the saddle or the cleft of a commanding tree while the shells were whistling past.

For example, in The Literary Review of The New York Post, September 3, the leading article remarks, after granting it is a rare script that cannot be improved by good editing, and after making allowance for the physical law of limitation by space: "Surgery, however, must not become decapitation or such a trimming of long ears and projecting toes as savage tribes practise.

she asked, peering again at the ridiculous little script.

Neither would you be guilty of that commonplace little round script which school-children are taught now, and which goes on influencing their handwriting all their days.

Next consider a group of words that have been naturalized: scribe, prescribe, ascribe, proscribe, transcribe, circumscribe, subscriber, indescribable, scribble, script, scripture, postscript, conscript, rescript, manuscript, nondescript, inscription, superscription, description.

And Earth has need of Prophets fiery-lipped And deep-souled, to announce the glorious dooms Writ on the silent heavens in starry script, And flashing fitfully from her shuddering tombs, Commissioned Angels of the new-born Faith, To teach the immortality of Good, The soul's God-likeness, Sin's coeval death, And Man's indissoluble Brotherhood.

And there was a curious and touching irony in that phrase: "Gute Leute Schoenen!" chalked in stiff script by those now fighting for their lives to the north of us and likely never to see their fatherland again.

We saw it in the trampled hedges; in the empty beer bottles that dotted the roadside ditchesempty bottles, as we had come to know, meant Germans on ahead; in the subdued, furtive attitude of the country folk, and, most of all, in the chalked legend, in stubby German script "Gute Leute!"on nearly every wine-shop shutter or cottage door.

33 adjectives to describe  script