53 adjectives to describe sculptors

On a celebrated craniologist visiting the studio of a celebrated sculptor in London, his attention was drawn to a bust with a remarkable depth of skull from the forehead to the occiput.

A late eminent American sculptor, a man of undoubted courage, is said to have always taken the rear car in a railroad train.

Things had altered since, and he thought there was a good opening for an able sculptor.

The result was that a medley of garbled phrases, additions, alterations, and sophistications was foisted on the world as the veritable product of the mighty sculptor's genius.

The first undated letter was sent to Michelangelo in Rome, in answer to some writing of the illustrious sculptor which we do not possess: "I have received from you a letter, which is the more acceptable because it was so wholly unexpected.

Only in the arrangement of the hair, hyacinthine locks descending to the shoulders, do we recognise the touch of the divine sculptor.

Among more recent books I would mention Herr Bode's "Florentine Sculptors of the Renaissance," Mr. F.M. Hyett's "Florence," Mr. E.L.S. Horsburgh's "Lorenzo the Magnificent" and "Savonarola," Mr. Gerald S. Davies' "Michelangelo," Mr. W.G. Waters' "Italian Sculptors," and Col. Young's "The Medici".

This in itself saved him from that tendency to idle reproduction which proved the ruin of the later neo-pagan sculptors.

In looking over the stranger's book, I found among the names of my countrymen, that of S. V. Clevenger, the talented and lamented sculptor who died at sea on his passage home.

In these circumstances, it is not singular that commissions speedily began to overtax the busy sculptor's power of execution.

"This gentleman, pretending to be on the lookout for a sculptor capable of executing certain works in Rome, after visiting several, was addressed to Michelangelo.

Among the countless sculptors employed upon its marvellous façade Amadeo asserts an individuality above the rest, which is further manifested in his work in the Cappella Colleoni at Bergamo.

ADAM, LAMBERT, a distinguished French sculptor (1700-1759).

In due course of time the mortar was taken to the envious and suspicious sculptor, who stood dumbfounded before it, and told the customer that there was nothing left but to carry this masterpiece of carving back to him who fashioned it, and order a plain article for himself.

He is said to have been a great epic painter, as Phidias was an epic sculptor and Homer an epic poet.

CHAPTER XII "Aërial Fiesole" Andrea del SartoFiesole sightsThe Villa Palmieri and the "Decameron"Botticini's picture in the National GalleryS. FrancescoThe Roman amphitheatreThe Etruscan museumA sculptor's walkThe Badia di FiesoleBrunelleschi againGiovanni di San Giovanni.

The Art Journal, March, 1873, spoke of her as "one of our most accomplished female sculptors.

The interior of the abbey formed a quadrangle, surrounded by the cloisters, and in this inner court was a curious fountain, carved with exquisite skill by some gothic artist in one of those capricious moods of sportive invention that produced those grotesque medleys for which the feudal sculptor was celebrated.

She is especially successful in bas-relief portraits; one of these is of the Genoese sculptor, Santo Varin.

No more than he accomplishes is demanded of the genuine sculptor.

Then there was a grey-haired sculptor, his face ploughed by deep tragic lines; a country gentleman, clean-shaved, red-cheeked, with the massive head of an old peasant; and finally a doctor.

It is not my object to give a history of the development of the plastic art, but to show the great excellence it attained in the hands of immortal sculptors.

Inca sculptors and potters rarely employed the human body as a motif.

The other ornaments and statues are chiefly by Bird, a most inferior sculptor.

There it isa sign of what a little Italian sculptor with a broken nose could fashion with his mallet and chisel from a mass of marble four hundred and more years ago.

53 adjectives to describe  sculptors