17 adjectives to describe scythes

The sturdy mower, that with brawny arms Wieldeth the crooked scythe, in many a swath Cutting the flowery pride on velvet plain, Lies down at night, and in the weird folds Of his wife's arms forgets his labour past.

For a fraction of a second, his form half straightened and he stood nearly erect; then, as a weed cut by the sharp scythe of a mower falls, he fell; his body whirling downward toward the trees and rocks below.

"The wheel and loom have left our homes, Our maidens sit with empty hands, Or toil beneath yon roaring domes, And fill the factory's pallid bands, "The fields are swept as by a war, Our harvests are no longer blythe; Yonder the iron mower's-car, Comes with his devastating scythe.

Almost the whole official state, as settled at the Union, survived; and all graced the capital, unconscious of the economical scythe which has since mowed it down.

They used the old-fashioned scythe here twenty years ago, and they would bring home the harvest on a wainrejoicingin a simple honest fashion.

The first Russian lines were mowed down as if by a gigantic scythe, and so were the reserves as they tried to advance.

Then again I am sure that in the faint, persistent monotone of his voice I hear the singing of the old mower's inevitable scythe.

Then the sickness began anew and "neither the tears nor the voice of the loving companion prevailed against the inexorable scythe of death."

and in an instant scythes and bayonets flashed in the air, and in the centre of the crowd a dense mass of men flung themselves upon the line of troops.

The front of the slide was cutting down the heavily forested slope as though the trees were blades of grass before a keen scythe.

what might it be this morning,the pitchforkthe scythe, or the plough?"

The peasants were at work, men and women, cutting the grain with rude scythes, binding it into sheaves, and stacking it in the fields.

"It must not be supposed that the space between the ridges is an even plain, shaven with, the scythe and leveled with the roller.

The farmers were out, busy at work, their long, straight scythes glancing through the wet grass, while the thick pines sparkled with thousands of dewy diamonds.

At that instant a fearful cry arose from beneath, which was echoed from the rocks around, and ten or fifteen savage-looking beings climbed from under the bridge, with lances formed of upright scythes.

The effect aimed at is that of horror, of solemn preparation for the advent of death, as by one who fears, in the flutter of mortality, to lose some peculiarity of the skeleton, some jag of the vast crooked scythe of the spectre.

Ladies, would you believe it, every flower, blue-bells, daffodils, butter-cups, daisies, all were cut off by the cruel scythe of the mower.

17 adjectives to describe  scythes