25 adjectives to describe seductions

But it is precisely this absence of rigid requirement which constitutes the fatal seduction of novel-writing to incompetent women.

Brief seduction of Eva.

She had swiftly made up her mind that Mary Morrison, with her conscious seductions, was a much more important factor in the race than austere Honora Fulham.

It was not affection; it was like a continual seduction.

A delicate seduction diffused from her: her body was all grace and perfume.

A desperate seduction was stealing over him.

I am proof against all female seductions.

These long imprisonments in an atmosphere charged with perfumes, Oriental tobaccos, and feminine seduction were gradually disordering Ferragut's mind.

Mulier nigris dignissima barris soliciting horribly her too avaricious caresses, and employing all the arsenal of her filthy seduction to excite him.

The vain amusements and allurements of the world have no sympathy with anything but dissipation, in which, the mind, yielding to the fleeting seductions of art, leaves the heart empty as soon as the illusion disappears.

Temperance was not one of the virtues of Gothic kings under strong temptation, and Athanaric, yielding to the force of banquets and imperial seductions, soon after died.

" You were spoken to just now of the pollution of marriage; then you are shown adultery in all its poesy, in its ineffable seductions.

Yet a little while and one must bid adieu to that Youth which one has so heedlessly squandered, a last adieu to Youth with its days of high adventure, its carefree heart, its susceptibility to the infinite seductions of Romance.

and this woman was mysterious, evanescent as its breath, with the same irresponsible seduction.

That was a manageable seduction.

" She took the enticing combination from Merle and held it fair before his yearning eyes; the last rite of a monstrous seduction was achieved.

which dates the downfall of Christian art from the moment when painters first lent an eye to its pernicious seductions?

The latter word evokes to occidental ears images of sensual seduction which the Moroccan harem seldom realizes.

It was not the first time, even in the experience of Dr. Cathcart, that a man had yielded to the singular seduction of the Solitudes and gone out of his mind; Défago, moreover, was predisposed to something of the sort, for he already had a touch of melancholia in his blood, and his fiber was weakened by bouts of drinking that often lasted for weeks at a time.

Even the Count of Egmont was not proof against the subtle seductions of the wily monarch, whose severe yet flattering letters half frightened and half soothed him into a relapse of royalism.

I was like someone fighting in vain against the sweet seduction of an overwhelming and fatal drug.

XIV It was one of the distinctions of Mr. Claud Walsingham Popple that his studio was never too much encumbered with the attributes of his art to permit the installing, in one of its cushioned corners, of an elaborately furnished tea-table flanked by the most varied seductions in sandwiches and pastry.

The breath of the bazaar, fetor of offal, stench of raw leather, and all the creeping perfumes of Barbary, attar of roses, chypre and amber and musk, clogged his senses like the drug of some abominable seduction.

Their rapid increase is attributable not to any incestuous breeding in-and-in among themselves, but to a violent seduction of the President and the Heads of Department by importunate Congressmen; and you may rest assured that this criminal multiplication fills nobody with half so much righteous indignation and virtuous sorrow as the clerks themselves.

Even a surly tuneif the handle be quickenedcomes from the box with a brisk seduction.

25 adjectives to describe  seductions