45 adjectives to describe segment

In Ophioglóssum the leaf or sterile segment is entire, the veins reticulated and the sporangia in a simple spike.

Indusium formed of the reflexed margins of the fertile segments which are more or less membranous.

3] The divisions of a pinnátifid leaf are called segments; of a bipinnátifid or tripinnátifid leaf, ultimate segments.

Pinnæ lanceolate, acuminate, the lowest pair deflexed and standing forward; cut into oblong, obtuse segments.

Cystopteris fragilis (Wakefield, Mass.)] KEY TO THE WOODSIAS Stipes not jointed: Indusium ample, segments broad, frond without hairs.

Pinnules variously cut into spinulose-toothed segments.

The group of cells in each spinal segment is intimately connected with the cells of the segments above and below.

During several centuries, ending in 1900, western civilization passed through an era of consolidation and integration that brought its sovereign segments into increasing stable relationships.

Again and again he repeated the process, until finally he had walked backwards from the tree in narrow segments of a big semicircle, finishing up on the boundary of the Italian garden on the other side of the grounds, and almost directly opposite to the garage from which he had started.

intermèdium Leaf more divided than in oblìquum and the numerous segments not so long and pointed, but large, fleshy, ovate or obovate (including var. austràle), crenulate, and more or less toothed.

Pinnse oblong; the lower distant segments oblong, denticulate, separated by wide sinuses.

It is then only applied, properly speaking, to the study of insects, that is to say: "All the articulate animals of which the body, composed of rings placed end to end, forms three distinct segments, and which possesses three pairs of legs, which have given them the name of hexapodes.

When be became an extensive purchaser of drab segments of fossilized soap, bottles of sticky brilliantine with a chemical odour, and postcards worked with polychromatic silk, the billet began to make inquiries.

Ultimate segments flat, folaceous, one mm.

Abdomen black, last segment bright fulvous.

[Illustration] Indusium star-shaped, of a few irregular segments fixed beneath the sorus, often obscure.

Pinnules divided into minute, densely crowded segments, the herbaceous margin recurved and forming an almost continuous indusium.

[Illustration] Indusium star-shaped, of a few irregular segments fixed beneath the sorus, often obscure.

Pinnæ lanceolate, acuminate, the lowest pair deflexed and standing forward; cut into oblong, obtuse segments.

Pinnules shorter than the type, tending to be ovate, outer segments strongly spatulate.

"I asked her yesterday what were the bones in the parietal segment, and she didn't know one.

Each of these swam in perpendicular segments of a circle of prismatic colors.

Take a freshly removed ox-eye; dissect the sclerotic from that part of its posterior segment near the optic nerve.

Phegopteris calcàrea THELÝPTERIS ROBERTIÀNA Resembles the oak fern, but with fronds rather larger, especially the terminal segment; also more rigid and coarser in appearance.

A small rounded segment of a frond.

45 adjectives to describe  segment