13 adjectives to describe selling

The Old Man's son started in to learn the retail selling end of the business.

SEE Bare-handed selling.

Perkins, Blanchard & Company Announce that They Cannot Meet Their Obligations This statement that one of the oldest houses had been swamped in the crash Bob had started caused further frantic selling, and, as though every member had employed the lull to refill his lungs, a howl arose that pealed and wailed to the dome.

Don't you remember, boys, the night we put up that little sell on him and made him believe we'd struck it rich in the bank of the creek, and got him so conceited, he wanted to go off and settle all our debts at once?"

He had caught the market in one of its little spasms of hope, and there was no lack of buying until his own persistent selling caused others to follow his lead, and so brought about a reaction.

In this account of the Sorrows of Ireland nothing has been said of the vast emigrations, thousands upon thousands of persons in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries leaving Ireland under forced deportations, in a practical selling into slavery.

As a matter of course, this wanton and unscrupulous selling of themselves here, as everywhere, brought in its train estrangement from their native land, habits of violence and military disorder, and indifference to the breach of their allegiance.

What an utter sell it would be!"

" "We have decided," Phipps continued, "to sell wheatto sell, you understand?

Wholesale and retail selling recognized as lawful, but not forestalling.

Men say that he is slow to press them, that he makes allowances for circumstances; that if the tenant is honestly willing to discharge his obligation he need fear no arbitrary selling up.

Thou thy good lord betrayedst, And all the world for money thou wilt sell.

There are 40,000 farmers in the societies for coöperative selling, which, as we know in this country, means better prices.

13 adjectives to describe  selling