4 adjectives to describe settin

Well, I wuz willin', I always kinder liked 'em, they're so polite and courteous to everybody, and as for makin' storks and folks settin' on nothin' and lookin' perfectly comfortable settin' on it, they go fur ahead of anybody else, and they have lots of other noble qualities.

"I reckon I look just as fat and foolish settin' in a saddle as anywhere," said Shoop.

I was a little baby settin' in the basket 'round in the yard and they would put the cotton all 'round me.

I spoke to Blandina about it, how pleased I wuz to see my sect settin' up so high in the place of honor, and she sez: "Oh, Aunt Samantha, I cannot rejoice with you, it rasps my very soul to see men slighted!

4 adjectives to describe  settin