90 adjectives to describe sex

The whole of the present system with regard to the female sex is a remnant of the barbarism of the chivalry of our forefathers.

A member of the opposite sex is present; he looks at her with the effort of a flirt to attract attention to himself, or less scrupulous, he directs toward her amorous or inviting glances.

He has a sister who controls all the female culprits, as he exclusively deals with the male sex.

And I thought you young men received more or less training in being gracious to the weaker sex.

Dan, having no particular associations with the gentler sex, took a stroll around town to meet any old friends who might care to see him again.

We are sorry to use such a word as indecency in connection with a young person of the gentler sex, but facts must sometimes be recognized.

It is a mortifying thing, and one that strikes at the roots of Women's Rights terribly sharp blows, but I must even own it, that one might as well try to live without one's bread-and-butter as without the aid of the dominant sex.

The slightest interest, practically even common civility, shown him by anyone of the feminine sex between the ages of sixteen and sixty, flattered his vanity to such an extraordinary extent that he immediately thought these ladies were in love with him, and it didn't take much more for him to be in love with them.

My lord, though the imbecillitas of my feeble sex might draw me back from this tribunal, with the habenis, to wit timoris and the Catenis pudoris, notwithstanding being so fairly led on with the gracious [Greek: epiecheia] of your justissime

Moreover, her grandmother had told her that an easy familiarity with the great poets is of all knowledge that which best qualifies a woman to shine in conversation, without offending the superior sex by any assumption of scholarship.

They form the sexus sequiorthe second sex, inferior in every respect to the first; their infirmities should be treated with consideration; but to show them great reverence is extremely ridiculous, and lowers us in their eyes.

"Discipline, my dear Mrs. Denys, must be maintained at all costseven among the members of your charming sex.

I too beneath your moon, almighty sex.

Women are called the practical sex, and I certainly found them in England facing the fact that peace will mean an insufficient number of breadwinners to go around and that a maimed man may have low earning power.

For the old lady?" "Who's the old lady?" "Old Mrs. Scowleya model of the divine sex, sir.

In the presence of your lovely sex we feel our hearts expand; our bosomshem!are enlarged, and we are all your slaves.

The downtrodden sex.

The Wanderer, forgetting his assumed sex, that his clothes might not be wet, held them up a great deal too high.

The constant sex.

Women are here to stay: the durable sex in its infinite variety through half a century of American life.

The extraordinary sex.

The Fairest Sex, by Mary Hastings Bradley (Metropolitan, March).

" The same admirable sentiment was shared by the surviving heroine of "The Double Marriage: or, the Fatal Release" (1726), who after witnessing a signal demonstration of the perfidy of man, resolves to shun for ever the false sex.

I confess, however, it would be difficult to find a better specimen of this fearfully fascinating sex.

Ever since he had exhibited a not too chivalrous desire to "git even" with the fond but fickle sex.

90 adjectives to describe  sex