42 adjectives to describe shillings

He is unresolved whether to buy it or to spend the extra shilling on his dinner.

The Sisinghir Bassa, Controller of the housholde, one hundred and twentie aspers the day, and maketh out in sterling money by the yeere, two hundred, threescore and two pounds, sixteene shillings.

"Well, they won't sell more than two shillings-worth at a time," said the cook, trying to speak carelessly, "but if you like to let me 'ave the money, I'll go ashore to the chemist's and get the first lot now.

He says one thousand and sixty pounds and some odd shillings and pence a day.

percels of Opium, which cost me two thousand and a hundreth duckets, euery ducket at foure shillings two pence.

In times of scarcity, when harvests were poor, the quartern loaf sold sometimes for two shillings, when the laborer could earn on an average only six or seven shillings a week.

The "splendid shilling" (borrowed from Phillips' parody of Milton) suggests a touch of Charles Lamb.

On the other hand sentences to burning at the stake were more frequent as punishment for ordinary crimes; and on such occasions the citizens of the neighborhood turned honest shillings by providing faggots for the fire.

He must be always trying to get the better in something or other:that this passion can scarcely be more safely expended than upon a game at cards: that cards are a temporary illusion; in truth, a mere drama; for we do but play at being mightily concerned, where a few idle shillings are at stake, yet, during the illusion, we are as mightily concerned as those whose stake is crowns and kingdoms.

And when I beganne to waxe well of my disease, I had but little of that money left, euery thing was so scarse: For euery chicken (and yet not good) cost mee seuen or eight Liuers, which is sixe shillings, or sixe shillings eight pence.

Marry, I will give him vorty shillings, if he can do it.

For some days afterwards, the neighbouring country was overrun with boys, who, the report went, had been secretly furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Browdie, not only with a hearty meal of bread and meat, but with sundry shillings and sixpences to help them on their way.

That day being S. Laurence day we came to Rama, which is tenne Italian miles from Ioppa, and there we stayed that night, and payed to the captaine of the castell euery man a chekin, which is seuen shillings and two pence sterling.

He had little more than thirty shillings, and he appealed to his companion, with whom he seemed to be on terms of considerable intimacy.

I am offered a miserable fifteen shillings for a genuine, hand-painted" "Sixteen!"

Having paid the modest shilling which represents the fare for the five miles, we start off for the priory.

For three-inch letteringand to that I restricted myselffive shillings can only be called dirt cheap.

But nowadays, like everybody else who is chasing the nimble shilling, the Cashmere weavers are more solicitous about their profits than about their patterns and the fine quality of their goods.

As I told you before, all Mr. Brooks' friends never quite grasped the idea that the old man should so completely have cut off his favourite son with the proverbial shilling.

A plan like this is enough to make people shy in their attendance,is certain to make ordinarily generous beings cover what they give with their finger ends, or slip their gifts sharply into the boxes and get them instantly mixed up with the rest, so that nobody can tell whether they have contributed a simple copper, a roguish little threepenny piece, or a respectable looking shilling.

He had got his additional shilling, and Mr. Grey had only additional discomfort.

"Well, three shillings, then," ses George Barstow, getting more and more suspicious like; "four shillingsfive shillings.

Four times seventeen are sixty-eight; sixty-eight shillings for a month of life, and he had eighty shillingstwelve shillings for incidental expenses; and out of that twelve shillings he must buy a shirt, a sponge, and a tooth brush, and when they were bought there would be very little left.

We can live on very little, and every spare shilling we will put into the savings-bank, until it amounts to a sufficient sum to buy Luke off.'

sundries 5 " 60 Total shillings 1,200 Or £60 Now, referring to Table C, it will be seen that the same man's expenditure in America would be: Shillings.

42 adjectives to describe  shillings