14 adjectives to describe shipments

Shopkeepers packed most of their supplies for immediate shipment, and raised the price of those left for home trade.

Your annual shipments of cotton and cotton manufactures to Trieste and all other Austrian ports, including the amount sent to Hungary, as well as Austria, has never exceeded nine hundred thousand dollars per annum.

Most of the non-commercial shipments, however, were in lots of from one to a dozen slaves each.

In Oriente Province also are deposits of manganese of which considerable shipments have been made.

This occurs when local rates are high and through rates are low; when rates at local points are high and at competing points are low; when less is charged for shipments consigned to foreign ports than for domestic shipments; when, more is charged for goods going east than for goods going west.

Say, moreoverly, that there be many importanceful shipments and contracts just now.

This prohibits the interstate shipment of goods produced in factories wherein any child has, within thirty days, been employed under unfavorable conditions as to hours and time of work as specified in the act.

I have gained more gold by one lucky shipment of fruits from the isles than by all their night-work.

I should like to point out, too, sir, that they have increased out of all proportion to outside shipments, during the last four days.

Whitney had now returned to New Haven to establish a gin factory, and Miller wrote him in 1794 urging prompt shipments and saying: "The people of the country are running mad for them, and much can be said to justify their importunity.

Through the yarn of a drunken captain and a mutinous sailor you became aware of an unclaimed shipment of treasure, concealed in an unknown ship that entered this harbor.

Wheat fell in price, vast shipments came even from India, cattle and sheep from America, wool from Australia, horses from France; tinned provisions and meats poured in by the ton, and cheese, and butter, and bacon by the thousand tons.

The local cattle industry makes possible the shipment of some $2,500,000 worth of hides and skins annually.

We can improve communication so as to render the transport of the raw material to the ports of shipment more cheap and rapid.

14 adjectives to describe  shipments