11 adjectives to describe shod

All our horses were rough shod, but even with that we made very slow progress.

Nothing has transpired here that seems to me of sufficient importance to send dry-shod over the water; but I suppose you will want to be told some news.

One woman pleaded hard for two pair, saying, "Yon chylt's bar-fuut; an' HE'S witchod (wet-shod), an' as ill as he con be."

And, indeed, it was perhaps well that he thus thought better of it, for Maskew stuck his hand into his bosom as the other rose; and though he withdrew it again when Elzevir got back to his chair, yet the front of his waistcoat was a little bulged, and, looking sideways, I saw the silver-shod butt of a pistol nestling far down against his white shirt.

The horses are sharp-shod, but in a way quite different from ours.

A stout male bamboo shod with a spike to sound for crevasses.

Oriana strove to treat the adventure as a theme for laughter, and for awhile chatted gaily with her companions; but it was evident that she was fast becoming weary, and that her thin-shod feet were wounded by constant contact with the twigs and sharp stones that it was impossible to avoid in the darkness.

No one spoke, but the scuffle of wooden-shod feet on the flags made a sliding, slithering sound, which someway carried a message of warning more forcible than any shouted word or sudden shriek.

It is an instinct like a wild thing's, and possible only to those who have gone all their days light-shod in the forest.

A stout male bamboo shod with a spike to sound for crevasses.

Mr. Bradford got his mule shod and paid sixteen dollars, or in the mining phrase, an ounce of gold dust.

11 adjectives to describe  shod