86 adjectives to describe sinking

" Kate's exclamation was due to a sudden sinking in the mossy causeway until she was almost buried in the tall ferns.

By gradual sinking of the land, one would suppose.

And there, in the little sink between the hills, was where he built it.

So far as he could see, Ken was left alone on the fast sinking ship.

Ah! weary sinks the gentle hand; The gentle hand that wakes the lute Has learn'd no lore that guides the brand.

But now that his task was accomplished, he came suddenly back to himself to find the galleries of the galleon aflame with musket-shots, and to become aware with a most horrible sinking of the spirits that all the shots therefrom were intended for him.

The opening lines of the same canto, transplanted from the Curse of Minerva, are even more suggestive: Slow sinks, more lovely ere his race be run, Along Morea's hill the setting sun, Not, as in northern climes, obscurely bright, But one unclouded blaze of living light, &c. In the same way, the later cantos of Harold are steeped in Switzerland and in Italy.

And how long did this period of slow sinking go on?

There is always a lupin wash somewhere on a mesa trail,a broad, shallow, cobble-paved sink of vanished waters, where the hummocks of Lupinus ornatus run a delicate gamut from silvery green of spring to silvery white of winter foliage.

I asked, with a curious sinking of the heart.

But imitation always approaches to caricature; and the powers of Churchill have been unable to protect him from the oblivion into which his poems are daily sinking, owing to the ephemeral interest of political subjects, and his indolent negligence of severe study and regularity.

Before I had sometimes been able to dull my emotions in unpleasant circumstances and thus achieve a dogged calm; now I was horribly conscious of my physical sensations, and, above all, of that deadly sinking in my stomach called fear.

As I laid aside my furs and removed my hat and coat I felt a distinct sinking of the heart.

That dreadful sinking of the heart came too.

" George was not satisfied with his attainments in the divine life, but sought to possess higher enjoyments and more extensive usefulness,"to deeper sink, and higher rise, and to perfection grow."

I ascertained, afterwards, that he questioned the dear girl closely on the subject of my sister's malady; even desiring to know if her affections were any way connected with this extraordinary sinking of the vital powers; but not in the slightest degree inclining to the distrust of Rupert's being in any manner implicated in the affair.

When she awoke, what seemed that fatal sinking had passed.

For herself she hath no fears, Him alone she sees and hears, Makes efforts with complainings; nor gives o'er Until her fellow sinks to re-appear no more.

As Waterton says: "After dining on carrion in the filthiest sink, it will often manage to sup on the choicest dainties of the larder, where like Celoeno of old vestigia foeda relinquit."

We hear them called "foul sinks of corruption" and "plague spots on our body politic."

Under this double burden many a young geometrician sinks discouraged.

Properly equipped it is possible to go safely across that ghastly sink, yet every year it takes its toll of death, and yet men find there sun-dried mummies, of whom no trace or recollection is preserved.

With a soul shrouded in midnight darkness, he gropes his way through life, and at the grave sinks into oblivion, "by none esteemed, by all forgot."

Thy holy silence sinks in dews of balm; Thou art my solitude, my mountain-calm.

It is customary to place heavy shot with a body to insure its immediate sinking, but in this instance, nothing else being available, a large lump of coal was substituted.

86 adjectives to describe  sinking