12 adjectives to describe slur

Her voice, as he noted once more, was clear and full, her enunciation without provincial slur, clean and highbred.

I can manage the little comb; set my hat, shake my garniture, toss about my empty noddle, walk with a courant slur, and at every step peck down my head: If I should be mistaken for some courtier now, pray where's the difference?

" "You talk pretty loud," Dorsey snarled, catching instantly, as Chuck intended he should, the covert slur at the black Y-Bar stallion.

Still it would be a grievous slur on so great a character to suppose that such a weakness could have had any considerable part in his steady and deliberate refusal to see a priest at the last.

And cynic tyrannies of honest kings; He comes, nor parlies; and the Town redeemed, Give thanks devout; nor, being thankful, heeds The grimy slur on the Republic's faith implied, Which holds that Man is naturally good, Andmoreis Nature's Roman, never to be scourged.

He said that the rabble purposely cast out many idle slurs upon their superiors, trying to entice them into strife, so that the commoners might seem to be equal and of like importance, in case they should get anything similar said of themselves.

Those who knew the two ladies well were aware that there was some little slur intended by the allusion to brewery chimneys.

"That's about the meanest slur I ever heard," he shouted.

That his relation to the creatures he has made should make any difference to him, carry any consequence, or qualify his being, is repudiated as a pantheistic slur upon his self-sufficingness.

Her voice, as he noted once more, was clear and full, her enunciation without provincial slur, clean and highbred.

He wrote a booklet in which he vigorously defends his comrades and himself against the unworthy slurs cast at them by Leichhardt.

Go to your room, you hussy"only 'twas something worse he called her this time"before I lay this cane across you!" You may suppose into what fury such words as these, spoken in Barnaby's hearing, not to mention that vile slur set upon himself, must have cast our hero.

12 adjectives to describe  slur