11 adjectives to describe smudges

The small dory to which I clung, caught in some mysterious current, floated at the very extremity of its slender towline, and in consequence the sloop appeared little more than a mere smudge, when my eyes endeavored to discover its outlines.

He glowered angrily toward the faint smudge of smoke.

CHAPTER II THE PIED PIPER A gray smudge trailing northward showed where the Fa-HienScottish Oriental, sixteen hundred tonswas disappearing from the pale expanse of ocean.

" She adds: "Perhaps you may be interested in the following account from my sister of her visual peculiarities: 'When I think of Wednesday I see a kind of oval flat wash of yellow emerald green; for Tuesday, a gray sky colour; for Thursday, a brown-red irregular polygon; and a dull yellow smudge for Friday.'

The nose, the chin, were hers, and the mouththe lips, a scarlet smudge of illusiveness.

When we were all set, my mother made a last dab at my nosean unheeded smudge having escaped my vigilance.

Past this, the river lapses into the horizon line without a break, save on an extraordinarily clear day when Bigelow's Island may be seen as a dim smudge upon the west.

" She adds: "Perhaps you may be interested in the following account from my sister of her visual peculiarities: 'When I think of Wednesday I see a kind of oval flat wash of yellow emerald green; for Tuesday, a gray sky colour; for Thursday, a brown-red irregular polygon; and a dull yellow smudge for Friday.'

It is a noisy, dirty, mechanical contrivance, capable of great speed; it is the only vehicle in which one could approach that distant smudge on the landscape with any sense of the eternal fitness of things.

Joe stayed until the endthe last high smudge of crimson snuffed out in darkness, the Pacific reduced to the sound of waves collapsing along the beach.

Mrs. Nolak had already faded out, a little black smudge far down the snowy street.

11 adjectives to describe  smudges