43 adjectives to describe snarl

The merest tyro in the study of dog language can readily distinguish between the bark of joythe "deep-mouthed welcome as we draw near home," as Byron put itand the angry snarl, the yelp of pain, or the accents of fear.

It brought a murderous snarl from the other.

The female snarl and the male sulk; A garble with an utter in its claws; The male wedlock cautiously approaching a clump of devil-may-care, the female.

One huge red-eyed dog who still dragged the bit of babiche trace muzzled Gray Wolf's soft neck for a fraction of a second too long, and Kazan uttered a savage snarl of warning.

At last he found the flesh; and a puppyish snarl rose in his throat.

He half rose from his seat, but sat down again with a vicious snarl.

With a fierce snarl he flung his whole weight once more at the end of the chain.

" Ralph Falconer uttered a sharp snarl of shame and resentment.

The first illogical snarl he makes, to St. Luke's with him!

See here, Mr. Vance," he continued, rounding on Jack with a sudden snarl, "you were good enough some little time ago to make some very caddish remarks about my father; in the future you'd better keep your mouth shut.

You should pick up your reins with easy grace, and having twisted them into a hopeless snarl, should explain to any spectator who may presume to smile that one "very soon forgets the little things, you know, but they will come back in a little while.

Then, though with slowness, it fell away to a low, continuous growling, and in it there was that which I can only describe as an insistent, hungry snarl.

Then, though with slowness, it fell away to a low, continuous growling, and in it there was that which I can only describe as an insistent, hungry snarl.

In the curled maple the fibres are in waves instead of in straight lines, and the surface seems to change with alternate light and shade; in the bird's-eye, irregular snarls of fibres look like roundish projections rising from hollow places, each one resembling the eye of a bird.

" "Go on," said Nash, the little snarl coming back in his voice.

As you pass his village he will bounce out on you with the fiercest bark and the most menacing snarl; but lo!

The course of events during these years determined whether we should become a mighty nation, or a mere snarl of weak and quarrelsome little commonwealths, with a history as bloody and meaningless as that of the Spanish-American states.

Again came the peremptory snarl of a carbine, and another figure sank in the doorway.

And, therefore, to make short work, I shall only beg Mr. Dryden's leave to congratulate him upon his admirable flatness, and dulness, in a rapture of poetical indignation: Then dares the poring critic snarl?

First, though it is not at all probable that Wells's utterance of "rare" exhibits twice over the rough snarl of Johnson's r, the "general view" seems intended to confirm the indefinite teaching above, thus: "'R has one constant sound in English.

The spitty snarl of the apparatus filled the air for rods roundabout.

Aaron, with a subdued snarl, got between him and the door.

Their goal, with the bright lights shining from the windows, was only about three hundred yards away when suddenly from the direction of the swamp sounded a sullen snarl.

The episode, to him, was a disconnected, unnecessary fragment, one bloody strand in the whole terrifying snarl.

It was smothered and then redoubled by the reverberations of the cañon, so that sometimes it seemed the tigerish snarl of a rapid, and sometimes the leonine roar of a cataract.

43 adjectives to describe  snarl