9 adjectives to describe snowflake

" That is how it came that Mr. Neelands took the out-trail when all the signs were against travelling, but to his unaccustomed eye there was nothing to fear in the woolly grayness of the sky, nor in the occasional snowflake that came riding on the wind.

On you gleam Winter's snowflakes white and twinkle lambs of Summer

A chill wind blew and for a time carried isolated snowflakes whirling here and there.

She went into the hall, where the footman on duty was staring at the light snowflakes dancing past the window, perhaps wishing he were a snowflake himself, and enjoying himself in that white whirligig.

Now and then a male Snowflake will take a little flight and sing as merrily as his cousin the Goldfinch, but he never stays long away from the ground where seeds are to be found.

Watch the pretty snowflakes fall, Some are large and some are small; Look, they cover all the ground, Miles of dazzling white around; But this covering, I am told, Keeps the earth from frost and cold.

Solitary snowflakes were drifting irresolutely across the window, as if uncertain whether to go on earthward or return whence they came.

The moon is the lamp he paints by; His canvas the window pane; His brush is a frozen snowflake; Jack Frost the artist's name.

Those are unmistakable snowflakes, sir, said Bates from the window.

9 adjectives to describe  snowflake