9 adjectives to describe sobriquet

Why he had been nicknamed Sukey we have never been able to ascertain; but the sobriquet, attached to him in childhood, clung to him all through life.

As flesh of mutton, beeves, or goats!" The French have christened us (and I think it no disreputable sobriquet)

On the contrary, they understand at once when a charge is exorbitant; and a trader who tries his shrewdness upon them is sure to receive an expressive sobriquet, which ever after clings to him.

As he advanced to greet her, it was evident that his military title was not one of the mere fanciful sobriquets of the locality.

Now wasn't this enough to exhaust the patience of a female Joba sobriquet Doña Victorina always applied to herself when put out with any one!

As he advanced to greet her, it was evident that his military title was not one of the mere fanciful sobriquets of the locality.

I like to call my friends by these playful sobriquets, and friends we are going to be, you and I.

But I would gladly learn from any of your correspondents, whether the name of Christencat, or Christian-cat, is that of any bishop personified in the Old Moralities, or known to have been the satirical sobriquet for any bishop of Henry VIII's time.

His studious character and his literary talent endowed him with another and a worthier sobriquet "Filosofo," and he carried out the rôle by dressing as a Greek and living as a sybarite.

9 adjectives to describe  sobriquet