18 adjectives to describe sockets

Night after night Tom watched the sheep upon the downs with empty hollow sockets, till his dead hair grew and covered his poor dead face, and hid the shame of it from the sheep.

Those eyes had a vivid radiance, accentuated by their cavernous sockets, and, as if deep were calling unto deep, fixed themselves upon the profound, sunken eyes of the trembling Padre Salvi, who was staring unnaturally, as though he saw a ghost.

with wild sightless sockets to the sun, Thirsting for the light-streams that around it run; Far on yon summit, turning eastward, stand!

The coffee was literally a drop of dregs in a very small china cup, placed in a golden socket.

Well, sir, in about two minutes more, I had one of the burners fixed on to the light socket, and old Jones, with his coat off, boiling water in a tin cup (out of the store) and timing it with his watch.

What we have here we conceive to be the mere sockets of the gallows of fifty cubits' height on which this New England Mordecai is to be hanged up as an example to all malefactors of his class.

One of his eyes, either from natural deformity or the effect of hostile operation, was dragged down from its proper parallel, and planted in a remote socket near the corner of his mouth, whence it glared and winked with super-natural ferocity.

By the application of a rope round the termination of the breech, and the lifting of the trail of the carriage, care being previously taken that the trunnions are in their respective sockets, a very slight exertion of manual labour is required to put the gun into fighting trim.

I walked slowly along the great wall-case, looking in at the specimens; and in the dull light, each seemed to look out at me as I passed with a questioning expression in his shadowy eye-sockets, as if he would ask, "Do you know who I was?"

We gathered round, and to his single eye, The single eye that in his forehead glared 90 Like a full moon, or a broad burnished shield, A forky staff we dexterously applied, Which, in the spacious socket turning round, Scooped out the big round jelly from its orb.

I looked at this last one curiously; a massive figure with traces of great muscularity, a broad, Mongoloid head with large cheekbones and square eye-sockets.

Peace, good Thomasin, silence, sweet socket [sucket?].

in length, and in the middle of the cut turn the knife downwards and cut out a thin wedge-shaped socket.

The latter gem is now set in one of the vacant sockets of the British diadem.

In the churchyard is the carved socket of a cross.

Again, another bull is let into the ring for the lanzada, or trial of the lance, the handle of which is very long and strong, fixed into a wooden socket secured to the ground, and supported by an Indian torrero.

4, terminating in hardened steel conical sockets, hold the revolving part.

CHARLES CHURCHILL FROM THE ROSCIAD [QUIN, THE ACTOR] His eyes, in gloomy socket taught to roll, Proclaimed the sullen habit of his soul.

18 adjectives to describe  sockets