29 adjectives to describe socks

He had nails in his, and one of our friends whom we met on the ice had woollen socks over his boots.

He stood six feet in his woolen socks.

it don't seem no longer ago 'n yesterday,while he was a dressin', an' I lay lookin' at him, he tossed that little thing over to me on the bed, 'n' sez he," "T 'll be a boy, Mercy, I know 'twill; an' here's his bos'u'n's whistle all ready for him,' an' that night he bought that very yard o' pink rebbin, and tied it on himself, and laid it in the upper drawer into one o' the little pink socks I'd got all ready.

It seems to me better to wear two thin pairs of socks in addition to stockings, rather than one pair of thick socks.

Darned socks, or socks with holes in them, will not be worn in marching.

it don't seem no longer ago 'n yesterday,while he was a dressin', an' I lay lookin' at him, he tossed that little thing over to me on the bed, 'n' sez he," "T 'll be a boy, Mercy, I know 'twill; an' here's his bos'u'n's whistle all ready for him,' an' that night he bought that very yard o' pink rebbin, and tied it on himself, and laid it in the upper drawer into one o' the little pink socks I'd got all ready.

We've got a cow and the filly and some sheep; and mother shears and cards, and Lurindy spins,I can't spin, it makes my head swim,and I knit, knit socks and sell them.

(9) Spare clothing including cardigan or sweater, dry gloves, dry socks, scarf, cap to cover ears.

Those purple socks, for instance.


He had on awful nice clothes, but thin toes on his boots, sharp as needles, and gray socks with dots on them, and a waist on his coat like as if he wore corsets, and gray glovesand a cane, Swell!

"She has no manifest but this; No flag floats o'er the water; She's rather new for British Lloyd's My daughter, O my daughter! "Ring out, wild bellsand tame ones, too; Ring out the lover's moon, Ring in the little worsted socks, Ring in the bib and spoon.

I wish she had kep' her rotten socks to hersel'!'and stuffed the gift behind the chest of drawers.

Some go to the place where the spare sock in the dryer ends up.

A trip like this is so tiresome!" Claire delved into her bag and brought out knitting-needles and an unfinished sock.

Our porters left us; a baton was stretched across the room over the stove, and our wet socks and leggings were thrown across it to dry; our boots were placed around the fire, and we set about preparing our evening meal.

Clean socks should be worn daily.

If I had kent for sure, I wud ha'e been knittin' ye socks instead o' a silly tie for yer birthday.' 'Ha'e ye been knittin' a tie for me?' 'Uh-hastrictly platonic, of course.

I glanced surreptitiously behind a parapet of clocked socks.

"I'm going to take off these damn socks and shoes," he announced, sitting down in the edge of a flower-bed.

She had learned to darn socks for her own amusement on her eleventh birthday, and she was twenty-seven now.

And he improved in appearance, grew thinner, shook off a veritable Old Man of the Sea in the shape of a persistent pimple which went ill with the Higher Aestheticism, and achieved great things in delicate socks, sweet shirts, dream ties, a thumb ring and really pretty shoes.

"Some folks," he would say, "likes pretty neckties; an' some wears fancy socks; but fer my part I'd ruther show a han'some foot ner anything.

When the shutter swung open, it displayed the crone standing on one foot, wearing a man's grimy sock, which had fallen down over a broken, run-down shoe.

I take one of the mammoth socks that are lying on the counter and fold parts of it neatly back, so as to make it appear very much smaller than it is.

29 adjectives to describe  socks