15 adjectives to describe solos

SMITH, WILLIAM J. Smith's collection of one hundred accordion solos.

Favorite stage solos for ukulele.

Five artistic solos for piano accordeon, containing Accordiana, Summer dreams, and 3 other numbers.

About 2.30 o'clock on a May morning a rook begins the grand concert with a solo in G flat; then a cock pheasant crows, or an owl hoots; moorhens begin to stir, and gradually the woodland orchestra works up to a tremendous burst of song, such as is never heard at any hour but that of sunrise.

Fried solos, melted butter.

That had come to pass against which they had striven for hundreds of yearsFlorence was subject to Il governo d'un solo.

Now a flute warbles a luscious solo, then a flageolet.

He often wondered, jeering the while at his own grotesque fancy, how his neighbors could sleep with those mournful yet sinister howlings burdening the air, but he became convinced at last that no one heard the melancholy solo but himself.

Across the end of an opposite street we get a glimpse of the vegetable-market, and now and then the shrill voice of a pedlar makes its nasal solo audible above the confused chorus.

And I remember one particular little black mare that we boys used to transfer from one pasture to another, just to see her back into a herd of horses and hear her hoofs play a resounding solo on their ribs as they gathered round to do her mischief.

And the doctor might have fulfilled her wishes had not a good soul informed him that in later hours of the night, others were accustomed to come in turns to hear her romantic solos....

Los que tornaban solos, tornaban en silencio y con lágrimas en los ojos; los que no, subían cantando como suben las alondras en las mañanas de Abril?

We drink coffee, we drink tea, we pick clever little holes in our absent neighbors, in brisk duet and tortuous solo we hammer the blameless spinnet, we sing affecting songs about "fair doves," and "cleansing fires," and people "far away," and still our deliverers come not.

The hunters, in their night excursions, know that the moon is rising the instant they begin to hear his delightful solo.

'Murranum hic atavos et avorum antiqua sonantem Nomina per regesque actum genus omne Latinos, Præcipitem scopulo, atque ingentis turbine saxi Excutit, effunditque solo.' Virg.

15 adjectives to describe  solos