22 adjectives to describe sonne

Some cry and yet are well; some are kild silent; Some kindly runne to helpe their neighbours house, The whilest their own's afire; some save their goods And leave their dearer pledges in the flame; One takes his little sonnes with trembling hands; Tother his house-Gods saves, which could not him; All bann the doer, and with wishes kill Their absent Murderer.

Vpon the right hand of the great Can sitteth his first begotten sonne and heire apparent vnto his empire, and vnder him sit all the nobles of the blood royall.

Of all the race of silver-winged flies Which doo possesse the empire of the aire, Betwixt the centred earth and azure skies Was none more favourable nor more faire, 20 Whilst heaven did favour his felicities, Then Clarion, the eldest sonne and haire Of Muscaroll, and in his fathers sight Of all alive did seeme the fairest wight.

O my curyous sonne, What newse with you, Sir? Bus.

Oh that was nothing but to blind the eyes Of my fond sonne, which loves him too too well.

For since the time that Phoebus foolish sonne, Ythundered, through loves avengefull wrath, For traversing the charret of the Sunne Beyond the compasse of his pointed path, 10 Of you, his mournfull sisters, was lamented, Such mournfull tunes were never since invented.

We are the friendly sonnes of adverse parents, Your long lost children: though supposed slayne, We live and come to joy your age agayne.

What, have you vyssyted my greived sonne? Did.

But let that passe, when went your harebrainde sonne, That Cuckow, vertue-singing, hatefull byrde, To guarde the safetie of his better part, Which he hath pend within the childish coope Of young Pertillos sweete securitie? Sost.

That lovely sonne, that comfort of my life, The root of vertuous magnamitie, That doth affect with an unfained love, That tender boy, which under heavens bright eye, Deserveth most to be affected deare, Went some two houres after the little boy Was sent away to keepe at Padua.

There was also a Gentleman, an Italian, which was a passenger in the ship, and he tolde me what they said of me, because I would not sing, Salue Regina and Aue Maria, as they did: I told them, that they that praied to so many, or sought helpe of any other, then of God the Father, or of Iesus Christ his onely sonne, goe a wrong way to worke, and robbed God of his honour, and wrought their owne destructions.

I know him well, it is Fallerios sonne, Pandynos brother (a kinde Gentleman) That dyed and left his little pretty sonne, Unto his brother's good direction.

that would be scann'd, [Sidenote: reuendge,] A Villaine killes my Father, and for that I his foule Sonne, do this same Villaine send [Sidenote: sole sonne] To heauen.

480 "There be the two stout sonnes of AEacus, Fierce Peleus, and the hardie Telamon, Both seeming now full glad and ioyeous Through their syres dreadfull iurisdiction, Being the iudge of all that horrid hous: 488 And both of them, by strange occasion, Renown'd in choyce of happie marriage Through Venus grace, and vertues cariage.

He writes his name Sir, Tales, and he being the tenth sonne his Father had; his Father Christned him Decem Tales, and so his whole name is the Lord Decem Tales.

A trecherous sonne and a rebellious daughter.

In briefe, then, know: Henrick, your valiant sonne, With Bellizarius and my selfe come laden With spoiles to lay them at your feet.

Most worthy sonne, Your labour and obseruance heerein, with the gift of your first fruits, is both worthy commendations and acceptance: and to cherrish you further in this your discouery, I will giue an addition to your second treatise.

And that Medina's Neece, Onaelia, Is his true wife: her bastard sonne, they said, (The King being dead) should claim and weare the Crowne; And whatsoever children you shall beare To be but bastards in the highest degree, As being begotten in Adultery.

That if the living yerely doo arise To fortie pound, that then his yongest sonne Shall twentie have, and twentie thou hast wonne: 530 Thou hast it wonne, for it is of franke gift

Forgive thy death, my thrice-beloved sonne.

X. As that brave sonne of Aeson, which by charmes Atcheiv'd the golden fleece in Colchid land, Out of the earth engendred men of armes Of dragons teeth, sowne in the sacred sand, So this brave towne, that in her youthlie daies An hydra was of warriours glorious, Did fill with her renowmed nourslings praise

22 adjectives to describe  sonne