8 adjectives to describe sops

A bargain, i' faith: ha, my sweet honey-sops!

It is the cousin of the prickly sour-sop; {25b} of the really delicious, but to me unknown, Chirimoya; {25c} and of the custard apple, {25d} containing a pulp which (as those who remember the delectable pages of Tom Cringle know) bears a startling likeness to brains.

a man of armes had better live in woods And combate wolves then among such milke sops.

It is the cousin of the prickly sour-sop; {25b} of the really delicious, but to me unknown, Chirimoya; {25c} and of the custard apple, {25d} containing a pulp which (as those who remember the delectable pages of Tom Cringle know) bears a startling likeness to brains.

Ye have no more Spirit than three sleepy sops.

Not even a honeyed sop ... Nothing.... Good Cerberus!...

His scarlet sheathings of garmentry lay upon a black oaken stool, trailing across the floor lank and hideous, one of the cuffs which had been but recently dyed a darker hue making a wet sop upon the boards.

The hurricane had come by night, and with one fell swash had made an irretrievable sop of every thing.

8 adjectives to describe  sops