6 adjectives to describe sorte

] according to their carracts, beautie, and goodnesse, making foure sortes of them.

Comme il s'en allait tout pensif, il rencontra Piron, à qui il se plaignit du peu de goût et de l'injustice de ce même public; mais voulant cacher en quelque sorte tout le dépit qu'il en concevait, il ajouta: "Il est vrai que ma pièce n'a pas plu, mais au moins elle n'a pas été sifflée.

Una favola nova pastorale ............nova in tanto Ch' altra non fu giammai forse più udita Di questa sorte recitarsi in scena.

Una favola nova pastorale ............nova in tanto Ch' altra non fu giammai forse più udita Di questa sorte recitarsi in scena.

Quum interim docti viri, et vilae sanctioris ornamentis praediti, qui aestum diei sustinent, his iniqua sorte serviant, minimo forsan salario contenti, puris nominibus nuncupati, humiles, obscuri, multoque digniores licet, egentes, inhonorati vitam privam privatam agant, tenuique sepulti sacerdotio, vel in collegiis suis in aeternum incarcerati, inglorie delitescant.

Now all this company meeting together in this place the night before the feast, the three hostes cast themselues into a triangle, setting the mountaine in the midst of them: and all that night there is nothing to be heard nor seene, but gunshot and fireworkes of sundry sortes, with such singing, sounding, shouting, halowing, rumors, feasting, and triumphing, as is wonderfull.

6 adjectives to describe  sorte