62 adjectives to describe soup

When all were seated the servitors brought in a rapid succession of courses, consisting chiefly of thick soups, or rather stews, in most of which fresh fish was a component part.

A series of sentences in which every phrase was a distinct thought, would no more serve as pabulum for the mind, than portable soup freed from all the fibrous tissues of meat and vegetable would serve as food for the body.

And think of what a dog gets to reward him for his plucky day: one dried salmon or a little meal-soup when he's off on a holiday like this.

Whereas six French troopers fling their messes into the same pot, and extract a delicious soup, ten times more nutritious than the simple Rôti could ever be.

In the morning we had a tepid decoction intended for coffee; at mid-day a pint and a half of thick soup, and at night rather less than a pint of thin soup.

When carrots and turnips are used, a few small pieces are cut into dice or fancy shapes, cooked separately, and added to the strained soup.

O take the nasty soup away!

Recipes for fish simply dressed, light soups, plain roast meat, well-dressed vegetables, poultry, simple puddings, jelly, stewed fruits, &c. &c., all of which dishes may be partaken of by invalids and convalescents, will be found in preceding chapters.

This will be found a very cheap and wholesome soup, and will be convenient in those cases where baking is more easily performed than boiling. BARLEY SOUP.

"Him eat massa turtle soup last night," said the shrewd negro.

THE COST OF TURTLE SOUP.This is the most expensive soup brought to table.

How long ago is it since desiccated soup first came into use? Answer.

It is in fact corn soup, superior to all preparations of pulse, on account of their indigestible qualities.

"Ye see," remarked Joe to Henri and Dick, as they sat beside the fire in Pee-eye-em's lodge, and feasted on a potful of grasshopper soup, which the great chief's squaw had just placed before them"ye see, my calc'lations is as follows.

The dishes consist for the most part of mutton stewed in sheep's-tail fat, or boiled to rags; sometimes with very palatable soup, and a dish of boiled corn, maize, or pumpkin.

Sliced onions, fried with butter and flour till they are browned, and then rubbed through a sieve, are excellent to heighten the colour and flavour of brown soups and sauces, and form the basis of many of the fine relishes furnished by the cook.

After drinking the vodka and eating the "Zakuska," we sat down to table and devoured crayfish soup.

Tartarin began cutting down his food, taking very watery soup.

Sometimes a mixture such as would create dismay at an English tea-table is handed round, consisting principally of tea-leaves, salt, and fat, like very weak and very greasy soup, and to an European palate most nauseous.

Mock turtle soup, made with liquor that calf's head was boiled in, and the pieces of head.

The Onondaga lighted a fire in a dip, and cutting the deer into tiny bits made a most appetizing soup, which Robert's weak stomach was able to retain and to crave more.

From fear of your anger, I waited not for the end of the service of God in the church, and not one spoonful of the holy soup has passed my lips.

Here were served jellied orange soup in cups, and saltines.

Without the fowl, the above, which would then be merely called leek soup, is very good, and also economical.

Left-over kornlet soup, if kept on ice, may be utilized for this breakfast dish, and the macaroni may be cooked the day before.

62 adjectives to describe  soup