138 adjectives to describe speaker

Vanity often co-operates with curiosity; for he that is a hearer in one place wishes to qualify himself to be a principal speaker in some inferior company; and therefore more attention is given to narrations than anything else in conversation.

He is a man of great force of character, an able writer, an eloquent speaker, and is generally respected even by those who can not approve his views.

He was presumptuous and rash, and rather a fluent speaker than an eloquent orator.

The busy speaker's pocket practice book.

He became one of the most effective and persuasive popular speakers ever known in English agitation.

As a public or at least as a parliamentary speaker, Mr. Tooke did not answer the expectations that had been conceived of him, or probably that he had conceived of himself.

Once, also, when walking through a solitary piece of woods, he heard a loud voice from some invisible speaker; and it cried, "What shall be done to the backslider?

" Lord Wellington was a sagacious observer and a bold speaker.

German is strictly a pure Teutonic speech, but no native speaker of it claims for it any superiority over the English as an instrument of expression, while many are willing to concede its inferiority.

The sense of hearing should be guarded in flying from the company of evil speakers, calumniators, detractors, those who speak of worldly affairs or who give evil counsel.

Older men wept tears of joy as they listened and murmured, "The country is safethank God!" Ably assisting him, though she deferred charmingly to him, in all things, was his charming young wife, herself an able speaker and debater who had once considered herself a suffragette, but who was now entirely absorbed in her beautiful home and her brilliant husband.

A crowd in a narrow street is more likely to get 'out of hand,' and one may see a few thousand men in a large hall reach a state approaching genuine pathological exaltation on an exciting occasion, and when they are in the hands of a practised speaker.

The naïveté of this statement was quite lost upon the eager speaker.

Thwarted in his desire to become a Secretary of State, he made himself formidable as a bold, sarcastic speaker and by the strength of his parliamentary interest.

Grandma and the loud speaker.

He was a brilliant, cultured speaker, but had a curt, dictatorial manner, with an air always of looking down upon his public.

A full and open pronunciation of the long vowel sounds, a clear articulation of the consonants, a forcible and well-placed accent, and a distinct utterance of the unaccented syllables, distinguish the elegant speaker.

I heard an eminent speaker once say that some people would sing, 'I can smile at Satan's rage, and face a frowning world,' when they hadn't courage enough to face their next door neighbor on a moral question.

Here rills of oily eloquence in soft Meanders lubricate the course they take; The modest speaker is asham'd and grieved To engross a moment's notice; and yet begs.

Our object in urging the historic, semi-conservative, and almost sympathetic quality, which distinguishes the unbelief of to-day from the unbelief of a hundred years ago, is only to show that the most strenuous and upright of plain-speakers is less likely to shock and wound the lawful sensibilities of devout persons than he would have been so long as unbelief went no further than bitter attack on small details.

Asellus impeached Scipio, and taunted him with the unluckiness of his censorshipits mortality, &c. 'No wonder,' said Scipio, 'for the man who inaugurated it rehabilitated you.' Such anecdotes show that he was a vigorous speaker.

We already valued as they deserved his force of faith, his earnestness, the glow and hurry of his thought, and the (if every third stump-speaker among us were not a Demosthenes, we should have said Demosthenean) eloquence of his verse; but here we meet him in a softer and more meditative mood.

Paul had none of these absurdities about him; but was an accomplished person, as well as a divine speaker.

When Russell was told by his father that this was "a celebrated colored speaker and statesman," the boyish eyes opened wide with amazement, and not able to control himself, he burst out in a fit of laughter, saying, "Why, he's not black," much to the amusement of Douglas, who afterwards told him of his life as a slave.

At the same time the members of that assembly do not place a high value upon the words of funny or would-be funny speakers.

138 adjectives to describe  speaker