18 adjectives to describe specialties

The Artistic department will be in charge of Henry L. | | Stephens, whose celebrated cartoons in VANITY FAIR placed | | him in the front rank of humorous artists, assisted by | | leading artists in their respective specialties.

"Miss Nina Saville appeared last night at the Mendocino Grand Opera House, in her unrivalled specialty of Winona the Child of the Prairies; supported by Tompkins and Frobisher's Grand Stellar Constellation.

promissory note; bill, bill of exchange; I.O.U.; personal security, covenant, specialty; parole &c (promise) 768. acceptance, indorsement^, signature, execution, stamp, seal. sponsor, cosponsor, sponsion^, sponsorship; surety, bail; mainpernor^, hostage; godchild, godfather, godmother.

DE.</b> This lady has made an art of her embroidery, and may be said to have revived this decorative specialty and to have equalled the ancient productions which are so beautiful and valuable.

If I had been merely a civilian, in any purely private capacity, having leisure to attend to personal concerns in the midst of the delicate specialties intrusted to me from the cabinet at home, the possession of so inestimable a valet might have bullied me beyond endurance.

The growth of the English language and literature, the characteristics of society, of language and of literature in the Elizabethan era, the idioms of Shakespeare's contemporaries, the manner of Shakespeare himself, in his different periods, have all been so minutely studied as to form a distinct specialty in knowledge.

And this eccentric specialty, the Duke, though he was no Solomon, had the wit to discover.

The latter is, I believe, an exclusive specialty, and is useful in practically every variety of cakes, scones, puddings, and sweets.

Chemistry embraces phenomena which are not explicable by physics; biology embraces phenomena which are not explicable by chemistry; and no biological generalization will enable us to predict the infinite specialties produced by the complexity of vital conditions.

Sterling agricultural journals are on every farmer's table, and Saxton's hand-books upon agricultural specialties are scattered everywhere.

It was characteristically,wasn't it?a Latin attitude; or would it be fairer to say that its antithesis as exemplified by Graham was a northern specialty?

The following are a few additional recipes for cakes and scones, most of which include one or other of the numerous Health Food specialties and dainties now upon the market, but which are not nearly so well known as they deserve to be.

Of course all the above rehearsed good qualities were, or were calculated to be, immediately perceived and appreciated, while the less pleasant specialties which accompanied them were of a kind to become more perceptible only in close intimacy.

Working philanthropy is a practical specialty, requiring not a mere impulse, but a talent, with its peculiar sagacity for finding its objects, a tact for selecting its agencies, an organizing and arranging faculty, a steady set of nerves, and a constitution such as Sallust describes in Catiline, patient of cold, of hunger, and of watching.

A cluster of great names, both living and dead, rush to our memories in evidence that women can produce novels not only fine, but among the very finest;novels, too, that have a precious specialty, lying quite apart from masculine aptitudes and experience.

Others may have excelled in extraordinary boldness or in some remarkable specialty, but in all that rounds out the perfect engineer, whether natural characteristics, professional training, or the well digested results of long and valuable experience, we look in vain for his superior, and those who knew him best will hesitate to acknowledge his equal.

Hence there is no intellectual specialty which may not be made invaluable to the Church.

After several clever specialties, the ringmaster suddenly stepped forward.

18 adjectives to describe  specialties