10 adjectives to describe specifics

It is an infallible specific for men born in February.

They believe that to rub the fat of the tiger on the loins, and to eat a piece of the tongue or flesh, will cure impotency; and tiger fat, rubbed on a painful part of the body, is an accepted specific for rheumatic affections.

I venture to suggest, mentioning not by that name, but by another, a much-advertised specific.

A variety of things are worn about the person by the common people for the cure of ague; and, upon whatever principle it may be accounted for, whether by the imagination or a natural termination of the disease, many have apparently been cured by them, where the Peruvian bark, the boasted specific, had previously failed.

"It is an ointment," she said,"one of old Brigida's" (a witch who lived on the cliffs and concocted wondrous specifics from herbs).

Paine was indignant at this perversion of his favorite specific for all political ailments, and took the Franco-Americans soundly to task:"How dare you put up a petition to Heaven for such a power, without fearing to be struck from the earth by its justice?"

Whatever may be the hygienic advantages or disadvantages of wine,and I for one, except for certain particular ends, believe in water, and, I blush to say it, in black tea,there is no doubt about its being the grand specific against dull dinners.

Having comforted her sister, and made her take the nervous specific she recommended, she went with her to her room; and taking possession of the arm-chair by the fire, she told her that she would keep her company until she was asleep, and remain long enough to be sure that the sleep was not likely to be interrupted.

Doctor Richard P. Strong, of the Bureau of Science, made the very important discovery that salvarsan is an absolute specific for it.

"It is an ointment," she said,"one of old Brigida's" (a witch who lived on the cliffs and concocted wondrous specifics from herbs).

10 adjectives to describe  specifics