47 adjectives to describe spider

" Said the cunning spider to the fly, "Dear friend, what shall I do To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you?

Later he wrote an account of this adventure and concluded with these words:"Now when I see a great hairy spider I tremble!

Then, before the horrified trio, a gigantic spider loomed before them.

Darker than these dark waves, there stand in their bosom hundreds of submerged trees, and dismasted roots still upright, spreading their vast, uncouth limbs like enormous spiders beneath the surface.

The spiders that Dr Vijayalakshmi deals with are called giant crab spiders.

Right opposite stands Tactus, strongly mann'd With three thousand bristled urchens for his pikemen, Four hundred tortoises for elephants; Besides a monstrous troop of ugly spiders, Within an ambushment he hath commanded Of their own guts to spin a cordage fine, Whereof t'have fram'd a net (O wondrous work!)

The male spider is smaller than the female, and is thus liable to be eaten by his mate.

"The poor little spider to help the mighty Phipps!

And I bet it's just full of snakes, poisonous spiders, lizards and all such things.

If the copy is good, the poem is artistic and praiseworthy, just as a painting of a venomous spider, if a faithful representation of its loathsome subject, is praised for its art.

A female spider's eggs had just hatched so Selvan and I did the separation of the babies into individual containers.

The torch of sunset broke into a million stars; blazing golden spiders swung from glittering webs among the treetops; the melting crowns of the redwoods dripped rubies.

He comes and goes, he spins his web like a great fat female spider, but he tells me nothing.

The number of the aëronautic spiders occasionally suspended in the atmosphere, says Mr. Murray, I believe to be almost incredible, could we ascertain their amount.

The adventure of the two blind spiders.

This also is obvious on a moment's reflection, but it will be rejected as a flat mis-statement by many whose opinion is entitled to respect, and who regard international finance as a bloated spider which sits in the middle of a web of intrigue and chicanery, enticing hapless mankind into its toils and battening on bloodshed and war.

In this neighborhood there were multitudes of the big, gregarious, crepuscular or nocturnal spiders which I have before mentioned.

In this neighborhood there were multitudes of the big, gregarious, crepuscular or nocturnal spiders which I have before mentioned.

Shelves of ancient tomes, darkened by time, and upon which the dust of years lay sleepingdark oaken cabinets, filled with piles of deeds and papers, among which the nimble spiders were crawlingand, from the dusky walls, several stark, pale ancestors, looking down coldly from their tarnished frames.

You know how the great hunter who sleeps with his gun at his pillow is awake in an instant, with all his faculties alert, when the sacred spider breaks a twig in the jungle?

It was big and indistinct, and wavered curiously, as though the shadow of a vast spider hung suspended in the air, just beyond the barrier.

As he lay awake before getting up, eager to finish his book, yet dreading the torrid temperature of his room, which made the brain sluggish and the hand slow, Goldthorpe saw how two or three energetic spiders had begun to spin webs once more at the corners of the ceiling; now and then he heard the long buzzing of a fly entangled in one of these webs.

Then she knew her way, and hurrying along the Boulevard Arago, she came presently to the gloomy mass of the Santé prison, which, with its diverging wings and galleries, spreads out like a great gray spider in the triangular space between the Rue Humboldt, the Rue de la Santé and the Boulevard Arago.

His contemporaries, after observing his reign for some time, gave him the name of the universal spider, so relentlessly did he labor to weave a web of which he himself occupied the centre and extended the filaments in all directions.

Knowing very little of the danger of large cities, they had not dreamed that the foolish little Fly might get caught in some dreadful spider's web.

47 adjectives to describe  spider