64 adjectives to describe spinster

The next act shows her thirty years later when, as an elderly spinster, she is passing through the climacteric, and is in the state of sexual hyperesthesia some women are afflicted with before the menopause.

The Bewitched spinster.

The name and address given were those of a middle-aged spinster of the most rigid virtue.

Her picture (the married woman's picture) is of an undesired and undesirable little spinster pining visibly and shamelessly in a parsonage.

" "Oh, that's nothing," said a venerable spinster of twenty-one.

But when I told them, all agog, My aunt, a lean and acid spinster, Snapped out "the doctor's yellow dog"; And nothing I could say convinced her.

Find, if you can, something admirable in this plain spinster keeping, at the age of thirty-seven, a room in her breast adorned and ready for first love; find it pitiful, if you must, that the blind boy should mistake his lodging; only do not laugh, or your laughter may accuse you in the sequel.

"Who can he be?" thought the agitated spinster.

One need not be a lonely bachelor, nor a lonely spinster, in order to live alone.

I don't want to be a hungry spinster.

It made his task no easier that Aunt Susannah was in the garden when he reached the house, and he had to dissemble his alarm in presence of that weak-minded and affectionate spinster.

Both the girls were plain, and they have gone back to their native obscurity spinsters still.

The exhilarating effect of the genial Comic Paper man upon FLORA did not, indeed, pass away, until she and Miss CAROWTHERS were in their appointed quarters under the roof of Mrs. SKAMMERHORN, whither they went immediately upon the arrival of the elder spinster from Bumsteadville.

Edward FitzGerald adds to this his own note: "Miss Ridout I rememberan elegant spinster; friend of my mother's.

"What can it matter?" said the generous spinster.

It has been whispered that gentle spinsters use it for a beautifyer.

Red-haired spinsters mustn't be bothered, nor imprisoned in magic spring weather.

Besides, he kept tolerably clean by dint of Israel's care, and thrust his long nose between the rails of his pen for grass, or fruit, or carrot- and beet-tops, with a knowing look out of his deep-set eyes that was never to be resisted by the soft-hearted spinster.

" "Fat!" exclaimed the indignant spinster; "about as fat as a hen's forehead!

" "My face!" exclaimed the insulted spinster.

Mrs. Varick had been a violent, disagreeable woman, and the kindly spinster had felt deeply sorry for the husband, himself little more than a boy.

If you are determined upon a life of celibacy, determine also to be the most wholesome, and normal, and all around liberal, womanly spinster the world has ever seen.

"E.T. There once was a lonesome, lorn spinster, And luck had for years been ag'inst her; When a man came to burgle She shrieked, with a gurgle, "Stop thief, while I call in a min'ster!" SPITE Think twice before you speak, and then you may be able to say something more aggraviting than if you spoke right out at once.

A rather cross-looking spinster stood in the door of the house, and as Betty and Mrs. Seymour alighted she said snappishly: "I don't own much room, as I told your men, Mister Lieutenant, but so long as you're not Hessians I'm willing to open my door for you.

"E.T. There once was a lonesome, lorn spinster, And luck had for years been ag'inst her; When a man came to burgle She shrieked, with a gurgle, "Stop thief, while I call in a min'ster!" SPITE Think twice before you speak, and then you may be able to say something more aggraviting than if you spoke right out at once.

64 adjectives to describe  spinster