9 adjectives to describe spiritualism

And therefore, because we have grasped so entirely all the consequences of that absolute spiritualism, we may believe that the Christian Catholic view of the world has reached its end.

As the lascivious memoirs of the last century form the pièces justificatives of the French Revolution, as the terrorism of a comité du salut public seems to be necessary physic when we read the confessions of the aristocratic world of France, so we recognize the wholesomeness of ascetic spiritualism when we read Petronius or Apuleius, which are to be regarded as the piecès justificatives of Christianity.

Mr. Tylor writes: 'The issue raised by the comparison of savage, barbaric, and civilised spiritualism is this: Do the Red Indian medicine-man, the Tatar necromancer, the Highland ghost-seer, and the Boston medium, share the possession of belief and knowledge of the highest truth and import, which, nevertheless, the great intellectual movement of the last two centuries has simply thrown aside as worthless?' Distinguo!

Forty yards of rope made of elk's hide were then coiled about him, till he 'was wound up like an Egyptian mummy.' I have elsewhere shown that this custom of binding with bonds the seer who is to be inspired, existed in Graeco-Egyptian spiritualism, among Samoyeds, Eskimo, Canadian Hareskin Indians, and among Australian blacks.

It also had the effect to restore the natural side of life, to liberate men from a false spiritualism and an excessive idealism.

In the fervid spiritualism of Dinah's love for Adam we are reminded of a Saint Theresa seeking to be united with her divine spouse.

We do not find in the stoicism of the Phrygian slave the devout and lofty spiritualism of Plato,thirsting for God and immortality; it may be doubted whether he believed in immortality at all: but he did recognize what is most noble in human life,the subservience of the passions to reason, the power of endurance, patience, charity, and disinterested action.

Another persistent rumour, which hitherto lacks the seal of official corroboration, is to the effect that The Guardian is to be given a new range of activity as the organ of scientific spiritualism, under the title of The Guardian Angel and the joint editorship of Sir Oliver Doyle and Sir Conan Lodge.

But for the time being, the young men and women of our day are fast parting from their parents and each other; the more thoughtful are wandering either towards Rome, towards sheer materialism, or towards an unchristian and unphilosophic spiritualism.

9 adjectives to describe  spiritualism