15 adjectives to describe stampede

Had he not wanted to make a fool of himself and get drunk the Ramblin' Kid would not have come to Eagle Butte, the fight would not have occurred, the friend he had ridden with through storm and sunshinewhom he had stood "night guard" and fought mad stampedes into "the mill"would not now be an outcast sought by the hand of the law.

In ten minutes, Frowenfeld's was a broken-windowed, open-doored house, full of unrecognizable rubbish that had escaped the torch only through a chance rumor that the Governor's police were coming, and the consequent stampede of the mob.

He's ever the first in the far stampede As he chases the rainbow's blend, But it's not the need, and it's not the greed, It's the wanting to win in the end.

Wright's long legs barely carried him fast enough to stop this fatal stampede, but the ridiculous sight was due to the fact that old Jehu caught the infection and set off at a sprawling canter in Chinaman's wake.

Facts in a fierce stampede that engulfed and swept him along and put all his dreams to a galloping test, a test wherein he had even forgotten his dreams.

There was no checking the frantic stampede which from this moment thundered with constantly increasing speed across the plain.

After supper Skinny and the Ramblin' Kid went to the picture showTuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays were "movie nights" in Eagle Butteand saw a thrilling "wild-west" drama in which a band of Holstein milk cows raced madly through an alfalfa field in a frenzied, hair-raising stampede!

The reports, as in most similar cases, were greatly exaggerated, but it served to create a genuine stampede, and while yet a boy of 14, I was drawn into that torrent rushing to the new El Dorado.

That's fair, isn't it?" He smiled benignly, and the soon-to-be reporter's wits went capering off in a hysterical stampede.

Special care had to be taken not to let the loaded animals brush against the yellow-jacket nests, which were always plentiful along the trail in the fall of the year; for in such a case the vicious swarms attacked man and beast, producing an immediate stampede, to the great detriment of the packs.

And my wild heart answered: 'There has been an impassioned stampede, northward and westward, of all the tribes of Man.

Every nationality under heaven was represented there, and an alarm among the workmen on the Plains of Shinar that the foundations of the Tower of Babel were settling could not have set in motion a more polyglot stampede.

A ruinous stampede from our place was the result.

The supposed predicament so delighted them, that they put on a mock terror and whirled about in an assumed stampede, then caught their clasped hands between their knees in excess of mirth, and laughed till the tears ran; for whether the street-makers mired in the marsh, or contrived to cut through old "Jean-ah's" property, either event would be joyful.

We had the placid glide, the fleet dash, the wild career, the pause, the landing, the agreeable interlude of a portage, and the unburdened stampede along-shore.

15 adjectives to describe  stampede