29 adjectives to describe statesmanship

Science as King, science as power, looms as the great new figure, the overshadowing novel factor, in practical statesmanship.

It discusses the situation of affairs, both from the political and military point of view, in a spirit of the broadest statesmanship, and with the acumen of a great soldier.

Coming out of these dreams, Alexander had to deal with such realities as the burning of Moscow, the Battle of Leipsic, and the occupation of France; yet, in the midst of those fearful timeswhen the grapple of the emperors was at the fiercest; in the very year of the burning of MoscowAlexander rose in calm statesmanship, and admitted Bessarabia into the empire under a proviso which excluded serfage forever.

Strange as it may seem, Alfred granted his request,either, with profound statesmanship, not wishing to drive a desperate enemy to extremities, or seeking his conversion.

Instead of the small entrepot for trade, which, along with the protectorate over Gades, was all that Carthage had hitherto possessed on the Spanish coast, and which she had treated as a dependency of Libya, a Carthaginian kingdom was founded in Spain by the generalship of Hamilcar, and confirmed by the adroit statesmanship of Hasdrubal.

Westbrook Pegler (A); 8Jan63; R308134. Bottled statesmanship.

The result is one of the greatest pieces of constructive statesmanship ever accomplished.

As Governor he evinced an efficient statesmanship that promised well for his future career.

He committed a monstrous crime that good might come,not foreseeing the ultimate consequences, and showing anything but an enlarged statesmanship.

Looking at the administration of Mr. Buchanan simply from the point of view of an enlightened statesmanship, we find nothing in it that is not contemptible; but when we regard it as the accredited exponent of the moral sense of a majority of our people, it is saved from contempt, indeed, but saved only because contempt is merged in a deeper feeling of humiliation and apprehension.

When the churches were so besotted, as to uphold the curse of slavery because they found it justified in the Bible; when the Statesmen, the Press, the Lawyers, and the Trading Community threw their weight to the same fatal side; Parker stood up to preach the higher law of God against false religion, false statesmanship, crooked law and cruel avarice.

The guardianship of the frontier is, therefore, an act of defense, not of defiance, and is an elementary and essential obligation of imperial statesmanship.

In the record of acknowledgment France stands first since her sacrifices and losses have been heaviest, and she gave us in Foch the chief organiser of victory, in Clemenceau the most inspiring example of intrepid statesmanship.

" There is no man living, perhaps, who has more contempt for money than Hall Caine, revealing himself in this also a true artist; yet to exemplify to a confrère the practical value of what he calls the "literary statesmanship" which he has practised throughout his career, he will sometimes show the little book in which are entered the receipts from his various works.

He did not place Venice, the superb,with her pride and pomp and power and intellectual astuteness, with her faults and worldliness and her magnificent statesmanship,against the spiritual kingdom of Christ's Church on earth and declare for Venice against the Church.

I did not vote for him, but I am agreeably surprised at his masterly statesmanship, and hope, by his firmness in resisting the extreme radicals, he will preserve the Union against now the greatest enemies we have to contend against.

He might have borne a distinguished part in the petty statesmanship, the intriguing diplomacy, and the wild speculations of that period.

THE OPENING OF JAPAN, Matthew C. Perry In view of the events that have followed, the ending of Japan's self-isolation and the opening of that country, first to American commerce, and later to world-wide intercourse, must now be regarded as an achievement of momentous consequence, far exceeding in importance all that even the most prophetic statesmanship of the time could foresee.

To prudent statesmanship he added a large generosity, and his love of justice was among his noblest qualities.

From 1814 to 1848, exhausted by the effort of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and disillusioned by reactionary statesmanship, the larger nations slumbered: but Belgium and Greece secured their present liberties, and outside Europe the national movement spread throughout the South American Continent.

This measure was of course bitterly opposed by the clerical and conservative party, but was ably supported in the legislature by the member from Turin,Count Camillo Cavour; and this great man now became one of the most prominent figures in the drama played by Italian patriots, since it was to his sagacious statesmanship and devoted labors that their efforts were crowned with final success.

From the earliest days of the colony, when Elijah Johnson upheld the courage of the little band in the midst of hostile swarms of savages, to the steadfast statesmanship of Russwurm and the stately diplomacy of Roberts, there have stood forth individuals of a quality and calibre that fill with surprise those who hold the ordinary opinion of the possibilities of the Negro.

CHURCHILL, LORD RANDOLPH, an English Conservative politician, third son of the 7th Duke of Marlborough, who, though a man of mark, and more than once in office, could never heart and soul join any party and settle down to steady statesmanship; set out on travel, took ill on the journey, and came home in a state of collapse to die (1849-1895).

We hope that time, with careful and impartial statesmanship, will make things otherwise.

The Disraeli policy in the Near East must give place once and for all to the broader conceptions of Gladstone, tempered by the cautious statesmanship of Salisbury.

29 adjectives to describe  statesmanship