60 adjectives to describe statures

They were of a middle stature, plump, and well shaped, but of an olive complexion, like the inhabitants of the Canaries, or sunburnt peasants.

"Now you who are a poet, a slave to rhyme and meter, a son of the Muses," continued Sandoval, with an elegant wave of his hand, as though he were saluting, on the horizon, the Nine Sisters, "do you comprehend, can you conceive, how a language so harsh and unmusical as French can give birth to poets of such gigantic stature as our Garcilasos, our Herreras, our Esproncedas, our Calderons?"

One of these was an elderly man, of a tall stature, in a plain dress; the other was a short man, in very costly apparel, and some years younger.

Of a lofty and majestic stature, although slight and youthful in form, powerful and active in person, with a commanding and penetrating glance, his very appearance attracted popular favor; besides these personal advantages, he was prudent and learned, and possessed a mind replete with intelligence.

Then came land animals, monstrous in growth, by the side of which the elephant dwindles to the diminutive stature of the dormouse.

She was of average stature and slight frame.

He was of medium stature and not powerfully built: as he advanced in years he stooped a good deal.

She seemed to lose several inches of her majestic stature.

They are men of unusual stature, with fine heads and faces, full beards, serious disposition and military airs.

Your estimation of a man's size will be affected by the distance at which you stand from him, but in two entirely opposite ways according as it is his physical or his mental stature that you are considering.

The stranger's mien was majestic, but the fitness of his proportions diminished his really colossal stature to something more nearly the measure of mortality.

They owned as lords Hengist and Horsa, two brethren of mighty stature, and of outland speech.

Its owner was a man of giant stature, with a slight stoop in his shoulders, as if he was making a constant, good-natured attempt to accommodate himself to ordinary doors and ceilings.

He was of a graceful stature, dressed in a white coat or gown, reaching almost to his knees, very mild, humble, and docile, such as, perhaps, were all the Indians, till the Spaniards taught them revenge, treachery, and cruelty.

A man of austere presence, from whom Goethe, as he tells us, inherited his bodily stature and his serious treatment of life, "Vom Vater hab ich die Statur, Des Lebens ernstes führen.

Mr. Knox was a man of enormous stature, and it was said he could tire out a dozen ordinary men at a fire.

The driver-guide of La Roque turned out to have been a thorough-paced scamp, well and ill-known to the gendarmerie; the wound sustained by Monsieur d'Aubrac bore testimony to the gravity of the affair, amply excusing Duchemin's interference and its fatal sequel; while the statements of Mesdames de Sévénié et de Montalais, duly becoming public property, bade fair to exalt the local reputation of André Duchemin to heroic stature.

He was thin and of only moderate stature.

He was a man of remarkable stature.

In our climate, for instance, the grasses are somewhat remarkable among vegetables for their humble stature, and their inconspicuous appearance; while in the warmer regions of the earth, the bamboos and canes, which are species of the same family, emulate trees in height and beauty.

[engaged] in hunting; which circumstance must, by the nature of their food, and by their daily exercise and the freedom of their life (for having from boyhood been accustomed to no employment, or discipline, they do nothing at all contrary to their inclination), both promote their strength and render them men of vast stature of body.

[Footnote 45: "Alif-form," meaning a straight and erect form: the letter Alif being, as it were, of upright stature.]

The slaveholder raved at him for interfering between him and his slave; but he was obliged to drop his victim, fearing the arm of my friendwhose stature and physical powers were extraordinary.

With all his senses about him, he heard a noise at the door of his tent, and looking toward the light, which was now burned very low, he saw a terrible appearance in the human form, but of prodigious stature and the most hideous aspect.

In order to ascertain Wordsworth's literary stature, for example, Arnold measures the height of Wordsworth by that of Homer, of Dante, of Shakespeare, and of Milton.

60 adjectives to describe  statures