8 adjectives to describe steersman

There was the half-caste Chaseland, whose mother was an Australian "gin," and who was acknowledged to be the most dexterous and best-tempered steersman in New Zealandwhen sober.

They drifted into these dangerous shoals in spite of the occasional efforts of intelligent steersmen; and it would indeed have needed a higher political intelligence than was then and there available, to have fully divined the direction of the drift and the dangers ahead of them.

Another notable steersman was Black Murray, who once made his boatmen row across Cook's Straits at night and in a gale because they were drunk, and only by making them put out to sea could he prevent them from becoming more drunk.

During this time Tom or his son Bat took his place at the wheel of the helm, and, thanks to his counsels, they were gradually becoming passable steersmen.

[Concluded.] "As when a ship, by skilful steersman wrought Nigh river's mouth or foreland, where the wind Veers oft, as oft so steers, and shifts her sail, So varied he, and of his tortuous train Curl'd many a wanton wreath in sight of Eve To lure her eye.

In the bows of each sat a company of people singing as they pulled at the long oars; and in the stern of each, divided from the rowers by the cargobut what that cargo was could not yet be distinguishedstood a solitary steersman.

"But, captain, why don't your stupid steersmen go in that direction?" asked the lady with great indignation.

The yellow steersman grinned, straining at the pivot of his gigantic paddle.

8 adjectives to describe  steersman