21 adjectives to describe stockade

The settlers at once gathered in the little stockades; those who delayed were surprised by the savages, and were slain as they fled, or else were captured, perhaps to die by torture,men, women, and children alike.

The grave-mound lay within a rude stockade; and an uninscribed wooden cross, gray and weather-beaten, marked the last resting-place of the unknown and forgotten man beneath, the man who had paid with his humble life the cost of pushing the frontier of civilization into the wild savagery of the wilderness.

A well-built cottage on the main, forward-going road that led from the gate to an inner stockade, was probably headquarters for the chief engineers.

They burned down the cabins and fences, drove off the stock and killed the hunters, the women and children who ventured outside the walls, and the men who had gone back to their deserted stockades.

each one Had mem'ry of the famished cheeks and white Of those who waited their return by night, In steep Knockfarrel's desolate stockade O' many a beauteous and bethrothèd maid, And mothers nursing babes, and warriors lying In winter-fever's spell, the old men dying,

He kept his eyes on the finished stockade and the great chimney, wearing majestically its floating plume of smoke.

Along the south-west side of Senglea, where the beach is low, he constructed, with the aid of his Maltese divers, a very firm and powerful stockade to prevent the enemy galleys from running ashore, and he also linked up Il Borgo and Senglea with a floating bridge.

" There then remained nothing more to do in Soochow, and Hart and Gordon started back together to Quinsan, though not before they had visited the historic Soochow stockades together, and Gordon, taking his friend over every disputed foot of ground, had vividly described the bloody fighting therethe victory so pleasant to remember, the tragedy so difficult to forget.

They built and burnt innumerable stockades for and against: built wooden Forts which are now stone Towns.

Mothers laid Their babes to sleep, and many a gentle maid Sighed for her lover in that lone stockade; And one who sat apart, with pensive eye, Thus sang to hear the peewee's plaintive cry Peewee, peewee, crying sweet, Crying early, crying late Will your voice be never weary Crying for your mate?

Of the Arab town itself, above reed stockades and brown walls, only a minaret and a few flat roofs are visible.

The bullet penetrated the bag, and there was an explosion which shook the manor-house and swayed the whole line of stout stockades as though they were corn-stalks in a breeze.

While the ship was taking on slaves and African provisions and water the negroes were generally kept in a temporary stockade on deck for the sake of fresh air.

He invaded the Waikato and penetrated to a famous paa triple stockade at Mataki-taki (Look-out).

On the west side of the river was another fort of stone and clay, and four hundred yards beyond it was an unfinished stockade, so weak that its own garrison had named it in derision Rascal Fort.

The spot took uncertain form high above the ghost-glow rising from the unseen stockade.

On the west side of the river was another fort of stone and clay, and four hundred yards beyond it was an unfinished stockade, so weak that its own garrison had named it in derision Rascal Fort.

The morning was so still that the firing had been heard a very long way; and a band of mounted riflemen had gathered in hot haste to go to the relief of the beleaguered stockade.

Each village was defended by a palisaded fort and block-houses, and was occasionally itself surrounded by a high wooden stockade.

They found the Pequots within a circular stockade near the present town of Stonington, where of 400 warriors all save five were killed.

Bullets rattled among the stumps and on the crude stockade.

21 adjectives to describe  stockade