787 adjectives to describe story

Her sweetheart on board, it would be in a Western story; but these were only her friends, and kin, and townsmen, that were at stake.

We need you to lead our Lichfield germans, and to tell us naughty little stories, and keep us amused.

Sergeant Corney cried, when the sad story had been brought to an end, and I was of the same opinion.

If a man can prove that his upper story is crackt, he can wallop his wife to his heart's content; and if anybody interferes, he can popp him off with a six shooter, and the law will stand to his back.

" They all agreed to this sentiment and while the girls attended to their editorial duties they had the amazing story of Thursday Smith uppermost in their minds.

If I was caught I could tell a romantic story about the girl who helped me get off.

They told a funny story of him in London at one of the court balls.

" There is a curious story current about this Bible, which, as it is connected with a popular fiction, I will venture to repeat.

Thou'st entertain'd me with a pretty Story, And call'd up so much Nature to thy Cause, That I am half subjected to its Laws; I find thy lovely Mother plead within too, And bids me put no force upon thy Will; Tells me thy Flame should be as unconfin'd As that we felt when our two Souls combin'd.

One of our friends, a very clever woman and great anti-Bonapartist, told us an amusing story of her little son.

A humorous story is related of the interest which Hannah's conversation created in the minds of her elders.

"You have told a remarkable story, mademoiselle, and corroborated it with two important pieces of evidence, which are in themselves almost sufficient to carry conviction," he said.

Also, we do not credit the equally absurd and unreasonable story that our girlish gusher is a daughter of a negro preacher named LOGUEN.

" She had both elbows on the table and her chin between her hands, and I dare say she had listened in just that attitude to fifty inside stories that the newspapers would scatter gold in vain to get.

"Carcassonnewhat's that?" "An exquisite bit of verse and a touching story.

It is a favorite recreation of the moral boot-blacks and pious newsboys of New York to gather in the evening on the steps of Mr. FROTHINGHAM'S church, and scare each other with thrilling stories of the gentle ANNIE'S fierce exploits and deeds of daring.

By these I move the hearts Of lovers like to thee, and I divert Their minds with pleasant stories.

The Little Giant's Neighbours.= A charming nature story of a "little giant" whose neighbours were the creatures of the field and garden.

The plan of the work is magnificent: to represent the wide sweep of English life by gathering a motley company together and letting each class of society tell its own favorite stories.

A TRAGIC STORY There lived a sage in days of yore, And he a handsome pigtail wore; But wondered much and sorrowed more Because it hung behind him.

Pulz had brought some extraordinary garish detective stories.

The flat was on the fourth story.

This ridiculous story was soon known throughout the city, and confirmed the suspicions of the Franciscan monks and magistrates, that the learned guest was in league with the Evil One.

A friend of mine, who was in that war, told me the following story.

Here is the brief story.

787 adjectives to describe  story