7 adjectives to describe streame

And Illion lye on heapes, whilst thy pure streames (Divine Scamander) did run Phrygian blood, And heard the pleasant cries of Troian mothers.

And fast beside these trickled softly downe A gentle streame, whose murmuring wave did play

which, flowing from the beame 55 Of thy bright starre, thou into them doest streame.

The same day one of our boyes fell ouer bord, and was carried away with a swift streame before the wind, but to his great good fortune, the Pinace saued him, that was at the least a quarter of a mile from vs: this euening we found the height of 36. degrees.

If from thys marydge there myght sprynge a sonne, Which is myne ende, my honors would knowe none, But like a ryver that receyves his name Or fyrst oryginall from some mountayns foote, Begyns a syngle streame, but at last growes To have no bounds but what it could oreflow

Violent streames Must not bee stopt by violence; there's an art To meete and put by the most boysterous wave; 'Tis now no policy for you to murmure Nor will I threaten.

The 19. wee set sayle, and when wee came neere to the coast of Baly, we entered into a rough streame, and our shippes draue backeward, as swiftly as an arrow out of a bow, and there we found no anker ground, nor any anker could haue holden vs, but Molenaer got the coast of Iaua and ankered, which in the ende wee likewise did, and ankered at the least three miles from him, and so much we had driuen backe in the space of halfe an houre.

7 adjectives to describe  streame