8 adjectives to describe stricture

If there is anything to justify the charge of "Patavinity," or provincialism, made by Asinius Pollio, we, at least, are not learned enough in Latin to detect it; and Pollio, too, appears to have been no gentle critic if we may judge by his equally severe strictures upon Cicero, Cæsar, and Sallust.

It seems the Doctor had suppressed many hopeful geniuses that way by the severity of his critical strictures in his "Lives of the Poets."

The two hurried out into the street, followed by indistinct strictures from the kitchen.

It is true, that I would rather not hear either your well-founded ridicule or your judicious strictures.

I hope we shall fully discuss with George Dyer what I have never yet heard done to my satisfaction,the reason of Dr. Johnson's malevolent strictures on the higher species of the Ode. C. LAMB.

And the Rev. Joseph Blanco White's "Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism," with occasional strictures on Mr. Butler's "Book on the Roman Catholic Church."

We shall conclude our astrological strictures with the following advertisement, which affords as fine a satirical specimen of quackery as is to be met with.

He has a slight stricture, of which he makes a great deal, and a bad cold.

8 adjectives to describe  stricture