5 adjectives to describe stummick

Say, what's the matter with youain't you satisfied at all? I gave you all you wanted, you was hard jes' like a ball, An' you couldn't hold another bit of puddin', yet las' night You ached mos' awful, stummick; that ain't treatin' me jes' right.

George Barstow thought at fust that he 'ad eaten pison for the sake o' the ten shillings, but when 'e remembered that Bill Chambers 'ad got the most delikit stummick in Claybury he altered 'is mind.

I hain't only got these fine store-teeth and a tamed and biddable stummick; but the innard power to chaw and digest speritual truth.

I told Cap'n Sam'l that hardtack an' sech like wouldn't never do fer yer weak stummick, an' he promised me faithful he'd send somebody tew the mainland every day fer milk.

I'll shore wrastle you down and tromp on yore stummick.

5 adjectives to describe  stummick