30 adjectives to describe suavities

There are heads that can't wear hats; there are necks that can't fit cravats; there are jaws that can't fill out collars(Willis touched this last point in one of his earlier ambrotypes, if I remember rightly); there are tournures nothing can humanize, and movements nothing can subdue to the gracious suavity or elegant languor or stately serenity which belong to different styles of dandyism.

In this emergency, Mr. Lucas, who never once failed or lost his accustomed suavity and presence of mind amidst these imminent dangers, resolved upon communicating with the fleet by a most hazardous experiment.

His great bodily suavity gave his every action a curious significance and grace.

Immediately erasing every sign of irritation, Victor greeted the man with casual suavity.

Georges Alexandre Mérital (with, characteristic suavity).

That Ray was at home in such surroundings, and that, had she been willing to give him the welcome he expected, she might have had a welcome at these as yet unopened doors through which he passed with conscious suavity, sometimes occurred to her.

He greeted the young master with his customary suavity.

"All is not said," he corrected, with a dangerous suavity.

Sir Frederick Bruce was a most striking type of man, like a straight, healthy tree, most cordial in manner, with a beautiful voice that made even oaths sound like splendid oratory, a keen intelligence flavoured with a pinch of humour, and a great gift of diplomatic suavity.

Its civility seemed to him to be disagreeable suavity; its failure to particularize the points he made to be a disgraceful evasion; and the liberty it took in generalizing his case to be an enormous insult.

I'm indisposed," said Wildney again, in a tone of such disciplined suavity, that the others shook with laughing.

It would be very agreeable to unite with all the new advantages all the old,the easy hospitality, the disengaged suavity of the ancient manners.

We should welcome a little more of human weakness if he gave a little more of divine suavity.

"Come in, Gwenda," said the Vicar with exaggerated suavity.

"If you will kindly favour me with your friend's name," said he in a tone of excessive suavity, "I will wish you good-evening.

That lady busied herself with some goods until Mrs. Ridgeley had completed her purchases, when she approached her with her natural graciousness, which was so spontaneous that it was hardly a virtue, and was met with much of her own frank suavity.

"You'd like to see our showroom, sir," he said, with an innocent suavity.

In vain had Mrs. Turpin tried to coax him with maternal suavity; in vain had Mabel and Lily, when serving his meals, whispered abuse of Miss Rodney, and promised to find some way of getting rid of her, so that Rawcliffe might return.

She remembered her contemptuous silence before Stillman's obvious suavities, the high, assured laugh which his companion, Mrs. Condor, threw out to meet his quiet sallies, the ruffling satisfaction of her mother, chattering on irrelevantly, but with the undisguised purpose of creating a proper impression.

Did you ever turn to see the expression with which the last leap of wind is met, the peculiar suavity of the bowing of the boughs, that says as plainly as ever did speaking leaves, 'You have left me myself'?

One of the features that most eminently distinguished him was a perpetual suavity of manners, a comprehensiveness of mind, that regarded the errors of others without a particle of resentment, and made it impossible for any one to be his enemy.

It was no longer the persuasive suavity of one who is desirous only to please, but the politeness of a gentleman to au inferior.

But underneath all the polite suavity of his manner could be detected a curious satisfaction at the contrast between the deep sea of still thought usually embosoming his library, and this sparkling, shallow little stream now flowing into it.

He was one of those rough, honest natures I like to meet withtheir blunt kindness, is better than refined and oily-tongued suavity.

I preserve the senatorial suavity of speech and the Sprague austerity of manner 'before folks,' as Aunt Merry would say.

30 adjectives to describe  suavities