5 adjectives to describe successe

I have now liv'd my full time; tell me, my Henricke, Thy brave successe, that my departing soule May with the story blesse another world And purchase me a passage.

Thus alwaies wishing your good worship such prosperous continuance and like fortunate successe as GOD hath hitherto sent you in your dangerous trauaile & affayres, and as maye euery waye content your owne heartes desire, doe euen so take my leaue.

they haue after this life, but onely that they may be blessed in this world, for they thinke that he which breaketh them shall haue ill successe in all his businesse.

I hope for a prosperous successe in Alcamistrie.

Yet neuerthelesse the aforesaid company, in hope of better successe, made out the last years 1598.

5 adjectives to describe  successe