8 adjectives to describe sufferance

Thou hast frequented these sad desarts here; Thy time imployed in heedful minde I bear, The patient sufferance of thy former wrong, Thy poore estate and sharpe exile so long, The honourable port thou bor'st some time

Under the very eyes, at least with the tacit sufferance of official Servia, the pan-Serb propaganda has meanwhile increased in scope and intensity; at its door is to be laid the latest crime the threads of which lead to Belgrade.

"The poor beetle, that we tread upon, In corporal sufferance finds a pang as great As when a giant giant .

The injury to the commerce of the United States resulting from the exclusion of our vessels from the Black Sea and the previous footing of mere sufferance upon which even the limited trade enjoyed by us with Turkey has hitherto been placed have for a long time been a source of much solicitude to this Government, and several endeavors have been made to obtain a better state of things.

A strong hearted man, and of a notable sufferance.

2. If he be sure he has been kick'd enough: For that brave sufferance you speak of brother, Consists not in a beating and away, But in a cudgell'd body, from eighteen To eight and thirty; in a head rebuk'd With pots of all size, degrees, stools, and bed-staves, This showes a valiant man.

"The course I have taken ... seemed to [me] best both for the warding off of calumny from myself (which should bring dishonor upon the memory of Sir Rowland my father, if a daughter of his could be thought to prefer doubtful ease before virtuous sufferance, softness before reputation), and for the once-for-all releasing of yourself...." No notable alteration occurs until we come to the second scene, which in the MS.

The best friend of the Negro is he who would rather see, within the borders of this republic one million free citizens of that race, equal before the law, than ten million cringing serfs existing by a contemptuous sufferance.

8 adjectives to describe  sufferance