80 adjectives to describe suspense

A breathless suspense, an insatiate craving to see, to move, to fly forward, or do anything, devoured the prostrate ranks.

The conflict having thus terminated, Rustem at the same time returned with his army to where Zál remained in anxious suspense about the result.

Often, in the course of that painful suspense, did I fancy I heard a noise at the lattice in Veenah's apartment, or in some other part of the mansion; and once I persuaded myself I saw a light: but these illusions served only to aggravate my disappointment.

There was a moment of awful suspense, thenthe music sounded like a mockery in the silenceall knew, though no word had been spoken, that the great Sir Stephenpardon!

Eight weeks am I kept in this fearful suspense.

For several moments of agonizing suspense they sped on; then, just as they were about to despair, there appeared before them a long expanse of white.

This dreadful suspense will kill him if it goes on much longer.

Never can I forget the dread that weighed me down, the horrible suspense, the fear that clutched at my heart as I furtively scanned the posters in the streets.

From the next room, Zalli, with a face of agonized suspense, gazed upon the pair, undiscovered.

To Sybil Linforth these days were a time of intolerable suspense.

Thus, after weeks of agonising suspense and an expenditure on legal fees running into thousands of rupees, Kumodini Babu was declared innocent.

Who put that name in your mouth?" "She's in The Corner," said Donnegan, and he dwelt upon the face of Jack Landis with feverish suspense.

He waited in ghastly suspense till they rowed home with their slow freight.

" "She sleeps" "In hypnosis, in absolute suspense of every faculty and function save those concerned solely with the maintenance of existencein a state, that is, comparable only to the pre-natal life of a child.

Must dull suspense corrupt the stagnant mind?

When I compare these two women my feeling for the other becomes very tender; and yet I leave her in cruel suspense and uncertainty.

But he, too, looked, and it grew upon him that here was some matter of importanceall three were watching in so eager a suspense.

It seemed The Red In greater might was from the dead, Restored in his fierce son ... A deep Swift silence fell, like sudden sleep, On all the Fians waiting there In sharp suspense and half despair ...

And the great Light of Day yet wants to run Much of his Race, though steep, suspense in Heavn Held by thy Voice; thy potent Voice he hears, And longer will delay, to hear thee tell His Generation, &c. The Angels encouraging our first Parent[s] in a modest pursuit after Knowledge, with the Causes which he assigns for the Creation of the World, are very just and beautiful.

It was a moment of the tensest suspense.

Then ensued another time of keenest suspense, when we strained our ears to hear the lightest sound which should betoken that the squaws of the encampment had been alarmed, and once more our hearts leaped up in joy as Master Sitz came behind the screen of bushes.

"You see my suspensemy miserable and frightful suspense," he said.

Who, that has passed the interminable gloomy hours that preceded the departure of a loved and venerated friend into the world of spirits, does not remember this unutterable suspense, this fruitless struggle with eternal decrees, this clinging of affection to the parting soul?

All the world had their eyes fixed on his two feet, and the whole city was in the utmost suspense and perturbation.

Following the safe example of the physicists, and acknowledging the fact of the diversification of a once homogeneous species into varieties, we may receive the theory of the evolution of these into species, even while for the present we hold the hypothesis of a further evolution in cool suspense or in grave suspicion.

80 adjectives to describe  suspense