25 adjectives to describe swallow

The little purple-winged swallows that fly Through waves of the upper air, Have a sweeter liberty, Lord, than I, Who may not follow them there.

More than once I remarked white-breasted swallows straggling northward along the line of sand-hills.

On this thought which flew into her mind like a swift swallow through an open window, her lethargy fled and in its place came nervous haste; a feverish impatience which brought her with a bound out of bed, flushed and eager.

" "Female swallows, doubtless," observed Ralph, carelessly.

The G.S.O.2 tried a frontal swallow, but only lined his throat more and more thickly until respiration became difficult.

" Here on a moss-grown boulder sitting, Watching the graceful swallows flitting, Hearing the cuckoo's note.

Staring through the unwashed window-pane, moodily brooding on what I had learned, I followed impatiently the flight of those small, gray swallows of the North, colorless as shadows, whirling in spirals above the cold chimneys, to tumble in like flakes of gray soot only to drift out again, windblown, aimless, irrational, senseless things.

"To the old goat," he said and took a healthy swallow.

He then went to his companion and held the liquor to his mouth according to custom, till he took several hearty swallows.

After the evening choir the clergy would come and sit in here and read, by the soft green light that filtered through the foliage, the news from the Carlist Camp, and discuss enthusiastically the great exploits of Cabrera, while above, the swallows quite indifferent to human presence, circled and screamed in the clear blue sky.

A strange bird she proved there,a lonely swallow that could not make for itself a summer.

Swarming like migrant swallows from the East? D.

But the mild swallow none with, toils infest, And none the soft Chaonian bird molest.

His entertainer experiences a quiet comfort and bien-être stealing over him, to which he has long been a stranger, while Tom Ryfe with every mouthful swallows down some emotion of jealousy, humiliation, or mistrust.

I here give you a little story of a pet swallow that I met with in a little English book, which, perhaps, few of you have read.

As playful swallows sometimes dart round and round a lithe and wondering wingless animal, so they, admiringly and timidly, attracted, yet hesitating, delighting in his alertness, but not quite understanding it, flitted like a troubled and beautiful flock around the great magician of modern civilization.

What premonition, O purple swallow, 10 Told thee the happy Hour of migration? Hark!

Time would fail us to tell of the feathered life around us,the blackbirds that build securely in these thickets, the stray swallows that dip their wings in the quiet waters, and the kingfishers that still bring, as the ancients fabled, halcyon days.

"Arriving," said he, "at the Mount of St. Mary's, in the stony stage where I now stand, I have brought you some fine biscuits, baked in the oven of charity, carefully conserved for the chickens of the church, the sparrows of the spirit, and the sweet swallows of salvation."

As the little tiny swallow or the chaffinch, Round their warm and cosey nest are seen to hover, So hovers there the mother dear who bore him;

The swallows and swifts, untirable on their wings, but too gentle to hold their own in a jostling crowd, soared away after the midges and May-flies and pestilent gnats that rise from marsh and pond to hold their joyous dances under the blue dome.

What interested me most (such is the fate of the devotee) was a single barn swallow, the first and only one that I saw on my Southern trip.

Her long, thin throat contracted in a visible swallow.

There was not a lowing cow in the distant barns, nor a chirping swallow on the fence-bushes, that did not seem to include the eager face of the little huckster in their morning greetings.

We wish Lieutenant Drummond would calculate the miles of newspaper columns which every club-haunter daily swallows, and the price he pays for the same to the proprietaries and the revenue.

25 adjectives to describe  swallow