11 adjectives to describe tarry

"In faith, my lord, I tremble to be gone, but an thou dost tarry, so must I." "Death shall follow hard after us this day, Sir Fidelis."

"Come, wherefore tarry ye?" Now leapt Sir Fidelis to the saddle of his fallen steed and snatched thence a wallet, whereat Beltane fell a-fuming, for bolts and arrows began to whirr and hum thick and fast.

heere stand[s] thy Ulisses, ile tarry with thee still, thou shall want for no cost.

There Summer first unfald her robes, And there the langest tarry!

"He would have his patient tarry there fifteen days together, and drink the water of them, and to be bucketed, or have the water poured on his head."

resiny^, resinous; bituminous, pitchy, tarry; asphaltic, asphaltite.

resiny^, resinous; bituminous, pitchy, tarry; asphaltic, asphaltite.

"Señor," murmured Valencia, "thou wilt tarry with us long, no?

resiny^, resinous; bituminous, pitchy, tarry; asphaltic, asphaltite.

Why camest thou out so early, and wouldst not tarry for thy more cautious spring-time companions?

The tarry, fishy and beery (in a manufacturing sense only) old town is on the south side of the harbour bridge and has little in common with the busy and popular watering place on the north and east.

11 adjectives to describe  tarry