7 adjectives to describe teasings

You must be careful; he does not fancy teasing.

" "Sounds like a backwoodsy hillbilly name to me," said Elephant, intending his words to sound like friendly teasing.

"Corin, | cease this | idle | teasing; Love that's | forc'd is | harsh and | sour; If the | lover | be dis | -pleasing, To per | -sist dis | -gusts the | more.

The vines drooped for his tending, they said; and the pet stork who wandered in the close languished for his hand to feed the dainty morsel, and for his voice in that indulgent teasing which had provoked its proudest preening.

He has to meet questions, opposition, comments, shafts of wit and envy, jovial teasing and correction.

Those who fell behind were subjected to good-natured teasing.

And when a maiden sweet, and roguish eyes, And mistletoe, And madd'ning lips, while telltale blushes rise, A-teasing so Think you that I all idle waiting sat To see her go?

7 adjectives to describe  teasings