10 adjectives to describe thenceforth

Away fly kitten and mungooz,away from the gate,away from the Baboo's walks, bright with ixoras and creeping nagatallis,away from the Baboo's park, shady with banians, and fragrant with sandal-trees, and imposing with tall peepuls, and cool with sparkling fountains,away from the Baboo's home, away from the Baboo's heart, bereft thenceforth forever!

Suppress revelation from intellectual objects, and reason is thenceforth blind.

The whole civilized world thenceforth recognized in the Roman senate the supreme tribunal, whose commissions decided in the last resort between kings and nations; and to acquire its language and manners foreign princes and youths of quality resided in Rome.

There is no doubt whatever that Crusoe learned an erroneous lesson that day, and was firmly convinced thenceforth that the best cure for a fainting fit is a melancholy yell.

Fortune, like a fond mistress, had lavished her gifts on him without stint,but, like a jealous one, seemed resolved that he should owe everything to her gratuitous bounty, and the moment he sought to win an object of desire by his own exertions turned her face away forever, persecuting her former favorite thenceforth with vindictive malice.

The last drop had now been dashed into the cup of endurance,the final blow had been struck, under which the human spirit either falls crushed and prostrated forever, or from which it springs up tempered to adamantine hardness, and incapable thenceforth of feeling either fear for itself or pity for its smiter.

From the hour in which they emerged from the darkness of the French Revolution, they have so absorbed attention that men have had little opportunity to look into the causes which forced them to the front, and made wiser leadership thenceforth indispensable to peaceful rule.

For, as intense heat quickly destroys the vitality of the nerves on which it acts, and as flesh once deeply cauterized by fire is thenceforth insensible to impressions of pain, so the soul over which one of the fiery agonies of life has passed can never experience a repetition thereof.

Away fly kitten and mungooz,away from the gate,away from the Baboo's walks, bright with ixoras and creeping nagatallis,away from the Baboo's park, shady with banians, and fragrant with sandal-trees, and imposing with tall peepuls, and cool with sparkling fountains,away from the Baboo's home, away from the Baboo's heart, bereft thenceforth forever!

The least in honor there Answered with longing like a prayer, "My star, albeit thenceforth unknown, Shall light for you Earth's skies.

10 adjectives to describe  thenceforth