5 adjectives to describe thers

He had not to wait long be-fore the latch lift-ed, and his mo-ther en-ter-ed.

His mo-ther heard him with a be-wil-der-ed look, as if she heard the pro-po-sal for the first time; and her grief burst forth with un-con-trol-la-ble vi-o-lence as she threw her arms round his neck with an a-go-ny on-ly known to a fond mo-ther.

" "Wa'al, yer a-robbin' me," muttered the man, much impressed by Roy's oratory, "gimme ther five.

That which is best for us He knows, And we must not com-plain, Whe-ther He makes His winds to blow, And gives His tem-pests birth, Or sends His frost, or bids the snow "Be thou up-on the earth.

"And of alle than folke The wuneden ther on folde, Wes thisses landes folke Leodene hendest itald; And alswa the wimmen Wunliche on heowen.

5 adjectives to describe  thers