6 adjectives to describe thinges

thei putten abouten him gret plentee of stree: and than men maken a gret pytt and a large; and with the tent and alle theise other thinges, then putten him in erthe.

Tis such a deynty peece of purity Such a coy thinge that hee unto whose lott She shall hereafter fall may boast himself To bee a happy husband.

Fayre Mirable, the fyrst thinge I intreate you In which to expresse your love, speake for my frend.

For one chyld lost, whose goodnes might have blest And bin an honor to our family, To bringe mee home a cuple of loose thinges!

In 1491 Henry VII levied an amazingly heavy tax upon personal property, that is to say, two fifteenths and tenths upon all "movable goodes cattales and othre thinges usuelly to suche xvmes and xmes contributory," with the exception of Cambridge and a few other favored towns.

Secondlye, that it were more generall, that is to say, that it did wholly and altogeather forbidd daunses, as wicked and unlawful thinges: for if we be Christians indeede, we ought not to suffer, that some pore and blinde Pagans should surmount and ouercome us in honesty & modesty.

6 adjectives to describe  thinges